159: The Grand Escape? [pt2]

Rahan sighed in relief as soon as he managed to step out of the house. The closed door behind his back will only open if he allowed it to open or if someone else opened it from outside.

And Rahan was confident that no one will be able to find this house this deep in the forest for a good while longer.

It was a coincidence that Elysia had managed to find her way here. As for Adam and Eve, they had likely followed Elysia here. But that did not mean that someone else will be coming.

"Still, I should take precautions and hide this place behind a spell. There is no use in inviting trouble this close to the start of our plan's main phase."

Rahan opened his hand and started chanting the spell when he felt a sting on his neck. There was a sword that was resting on Rahan's neck that he did not recognize.

The sting caused by that sharp and cool blade on Rahan's neck caused him to freeze up and stop his chanting.