178: Cheating your way into the temple [pt2]

Elysia had to admit that the priest robes that Enma had gotten for her fit her perfectly.m they were not too restraining and allowed Elysia to breathe around easier.

They were even convenient to put on and Elysia did not have to undress fully to get them on. They made her look like a young and fresh priest which was good for her image.

She must have looked alright in a boyish outfit because Enma had gone quiet after seeing her dressed like a guy. Elysia was sure that if she had a problem with her outfit then Enma would be the first one to speak up.

He was vocal about anything that could get him in trouble. And helping Elysia sneak into the temple and especially in the male section was something that would get him in trouble.

"Now then, it is time to head in and finish my job."

The sooner Elysia was done here, the sooner she would be able to head back home and get to her regular schedule.