188: The spy mission [pt1]

Elysia froze as she heard footsteps headed her way. She quickly pulled Enma to the award herself and closed his mouth so that he would not be able to make any noise.

She was afraid that she would be found out by Feize and his partner. Elysia still lacked evidence and knowledge of what they were planning.

'I need to get away from here somehow. But how do I do that?'

Elysia was too deep in her thought and she did not notice how tightly she was holding Enma. But that did not mean that Enma was unaware of what he was going through. It was getting harder and harder to breathe for him.

So he decided to lick Elysia's hand to make her let go. The feeling of a wet tongue on her palm made Elysia instantly let go of the kid she was holding.

Enma panted, now finally free. He looked annoyed at being held captive and seemed to not have noticed what was going on.

And Elysia got a brilliant idea to get out of this situation.