195: Impossible odds [pt2]

Adam's kiss was forceful but it was not hurting Elysia. It was essentially just a press of lips against hers and it reminded her of cotton candy with its gentleness.

The only thing Elysia found irritating about her situation was that the body she was occupying was not her own. She was taking liberties with Eve's body and that thought made Elysia break the kiss.

Adam looked glad and heartbroken at the same time. His golden eyes were shining with tears and Elysia was sure he was about to pull her back into a kiss.

But Elysia backed down before their lips could meet again. She did not want to confuse herself and Adam anymore.

"Adam, come back to your senses. I am Eve so don't mistake me for some dead person."

It hurt to talk like this and Adam looked pissed as well. It was good for him not to miss Elysia too much and focus on the present.