200: The circumstances [pt1]

"C-Calamity? What do you mean by that? Just what in the world is happening?"

Eve stopped and looked at that ancient man with pain-filled eyes. She needed to know how to help Elysia out but she had no way to gain that knowledge.

Only this ancient being in Adam's body could tell her what to do about this calamity but he was not talking right now. All he was doing was looking at Eve with a searching expression.

"You would have been perfect for the incubation. Both as a hold maiden and in terms of magic. This boy was a fool to pass you over and chose that harbinger of calamity as his mate. But oh well, what is done is done."

The ancient dragon spoke as if nothing mattered to him. But his words made Eve flinch and rage fill her heart.

Elysia was the purest person she had met in her life. Trouble might have followed Elysia like a plague but she was not someone who intentionally went out of her way to bring people harm.