209: Return home [pt2]

An awkward silence word after Elysia calmed down. She had no idea what to say to the queen in her current situation. And it was not like the Queen was thrilled to start a conversation either.

Both sides tried to buy time and think about what they wanted to speak about. Finally, it was the Queen who made the first move toward peace between the pair.

"I guess my words were too sudden and bold for you to process. I could just not hold back my joy after seeing you finally come around and accept Adam's feelings. That child had been pinning after you for a while now"

The queen sounded glad about Elysia's decision to accept her son but Elysia was not sure how much she knew about the actual situation.

At any rate, she seemed to not know about the mishap Elysia had caused with the emperor's destiny by causing him to fall in love with her. Especially when he was meant to be with someone much better than her.