214: They finally meet [pt2]

Eve had noticed how uncomfortable Elysia had been and her eyes looked up to meet her adoptive father's. Conflict rose in her heart as she looked at the man who had raised her this far. 

And it was also because of the Head Priest that Eve decided to have a look alone in the temple. She did not want him to come in contact with Elysia and risk causing Elysia any unneeded stress. 

It was the last thing she should be adding to Elysia's pile of worries.

She felt the eyes move along with her as she went inside the temple. She was sure that the Head Priest was following after her and would come and find her soon. This was something Elysia had been counting on.

And she was right when she saw his silhouette on the other side of the hallway. Her adoptive father had come after.