223: The final understanding [pt1]

"Emperor Adam, I have bad news. The enchanted forest has been lit on fire and the monsters are in a frenzy. We have no idea what is happening but we need your help to quell this problem."

Adam gritted his teeth as he was suddenly faced with a tough decision. He could either go after Elysia or take care of the fire. Both were urgent matters that needed tending to.

In his mind, this was not even a question. He knew what he had to do and which side he had to prioritize. But he also knew that Elysia could never forgive him for his decision. 

"You go to the forest and I will try to look for Elysia. Lord Dirac, can I entrust Crown Prince Adrian's safety in your hands?"

For Lucas, it was not even a question. He had planned to take care of his nephew anyway so he easily agreed to this compromise.