226: On the other side [pt2]

"Huh, what am I doing here? I-why did I come here again?"

Eve tried to remember her missing memories but they were eluding her mind currently. All she knew was that it had been important why she came here.

Something to do with the love of her life. But she could not remember what it was for some reason. She looked at Sara who seemed to be in a similar condition. Even she had a confused look on her face that asked what she was doing there.

"You came here to meet me. I remember that we fought but not the reason. Maybe talking things over will help us remember?"

Head Priest Yohan coughed as he suggested it. For some reason, Eve did not want to hear her adoptive father out. There was no reason for her not to hear him but her heart still asked her not to.

However, Eve decided to be rational and not drag their differences out.