228: An offer for help [pt2]

"You are curious about her, right? About Elysia Dirac. Don't you wish to recover your memories of her? If so, then I might know of a way or two to do so."

Even Eve felt her curiosity rise at the unknown man's words. She had met him only because the head priest had insisted that she do. But ever since she had laid her eyes on him, this man had given her mixed feelings.

Her instincts told her that she should like this man. He was good for her and her future. He was someone that cared for her.

But something in her rationality asked her to be cautious. The ease with which her instincts had accepted him was unusual.

And maybe that was why she decided to bring him along to meet Adam this time. She wanted to see if the emperor would feel something different from her if he saw that man.

"Elysia Dirac? Is that the name my wife went by? How do you know it? And how are you able to speak of that name so easily?"