234: A glimpse of the world [pt1]

Initially, Sara had no intention of helping the helpless kids she saw on her way out of the temple. She was moderately invested in helping out lost travelers.

Especially in the current times when there was an abundance of such travelers asking to see the Head Priest and praying for their safety. The more it happened, the more it got on Sara's nerves.

Moreover, she was having constant headaches that happened far too often, and she could not guess why that was. She felt that her magic was fighting against something she could not see.

It was irritating and got Sara into a bad mood.

So she was not going to interfere when two kids suddenly appeared in the temple and were dressed suspiciously. She had no contention of helping them out.

And then she heard Lucas's name which changed things for her. Normally, people tend to avoid saying Lucas Dirac's name in public. Especially even more so when they did not know him.