240: The last battle [pt1]

Head Priest Yohan woke up with a headache the size of this earth. But it was better than never waking up again. And he was also thankful when he was faced with one person he always wanted to see after waking up.

"I want to say that I am happy to see you again, but that doesn't feel like the truth at all. Still, as a daughter whom you raised, I wanted to ask you how you were."

Eve's face was the last thing Head Preist Yohan expected to see when he woke up. But it was a welcoming surprise none-the-less.

"Eve, what are you doing? Why am I here? And why can I not move?"

Head Preist Yohan tried to move his body but his energy was being sipped out of his body. The more he tried to move, the less he was able to.

Eve's eyes held a sorrowful look inside them and she even seemed to be begging for forgiveness with her look. But there was no pity in her self for this man.