Chapter 7

What was Noah Miller doing in a medical outreach, this was the last place she expected to see him,Kaif wondered.

But dammnn…he looked so good on his white coat, Kaif continued thinking lost in thoughts.

"Kaif" Kevin said immediately alerting his Sister,he has never seen her lost in thoughts like this.But before he could trace the source of her distraction, she immediately collected herself and gave him a dashing smile before they parted ways to continue distributing the food.

As she walked up to him, he was checking the body temperature of a little blonde girl and was whispering some words to her and smiling so sweetly at her.

Kaif was surprised to see this side of Noah,so different from the popular Noah Miller everyone knew at Brighton's.

"Well I guess you never fully know a person" Kaif concluded and continued to walk towards Him.

"I'll just take water" Noah said without even looking up to her.

What nonsense Kaif thought, I'm not leaving here without you looking up at my face.

"Which brand of water do you want,Fresh spring water, table water…

Noah was shocked at the question and looked up at her wondering which kind of question that was with a sarcastic look on his face.

As he looked up, a mischievous Smile was displayed on her face"But wait her face was familiar, where have I seen her before; Average height, curly blonde hair, brown eyes with a curved lips and a double sided dimple…she was beautiful he thought, but I've seen her before, perhaps she was one of those numerous girls that loved drooling over him and his friends.

"I mean our company packages water in a variety of ways"Kaif responded, glad she had accomplished her goal.

"Just water, any of the packages is ok with me" Noah replied refocusing on the little girl in front of him.

"Ok" Kiaf said dropping a bottle water for him and was just about to step away when she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"If you don't want food,you will take some snack right" Kaif turned to confirm the owner of the voice, it was Lara Peters.

Lara Peters dropped a pack of Snacks and a box of chocolate on Noah's table giving him a flirty smile as she did that.

"I'm grateful"Naoh said returning  the smile

With a wink.

What was that, Kaif thought and walked away, everyone at Brighton's knows how much Lara Peters adored the trio, it was as if she was playing a card, with a goal to date just any of the trio.

But what is she doing here, I know she's not an employee at dads company, is she a volunteer…I certainly doubt that Kaif thought on as she walked away.

When she was done with her work she tiredly walked back to her dad's temporary office at the refugee camp. As she walked towards the office, she saw a car driving out while Kelly waved at the person in the car, looking sad.

"Looking at the expression on her face, I already know who that is"Kaif said slowly to herself with a chuckle…shaking her head and ready to tease Kelly.

Kaif knew how to find out who Kelly was talking to if the person was hidden by just looking and observing her facial expressions.

She always had a mock like expression when she spoke with Kelvin as they both teased each other non-stop.

With Kevin she had a playful expression, An excited expression with Kaif, a serious Expression with Mum and a baby like expression with Dad and so on.

Right now it was Matt, Kelly's boyfriend. Kelly always had a sad like expression whenever they were parting as if they will see no more.

"You should have just entered his car and zoomed off,not like anyone will know that you're not here"Kaif said and bursted into a fit of laughter as she held Kelly on her cheek and squeezed it with pure affection.

"I could have done that right"Kelly replied like she was giving it a second thought and then looking at Kelly she said" Silly girl" and they both laughed out and walked into the office.

"Guess who I saw" Kaif said to Kelly with glaring eyeballs as they settled down to rest.

"With the expression on your face…it's Noah Miller" Kelly said with a very convinced as a-matter-of-fact face.

"Yesss" Kaif responded in a sing song voice as she continued raining praises on Noah describing how he looked.

"As always" Chipped in Kelly, she knew the kind of admiration her little sister had for Noah Miller, and just she knew about it.

"But I was wondering,what is he doing in an outreach with the medical team"Kaif Said looking for explanation from Kelly.

"Oh..that, his mum is the Director of Illanois medical Hospital Chicago and they are the conveners of this outreach along with the other participating hospitals.

"I see…"Kaif said not yet really convinced.

"What" Kelly said knowing that Kaif always said "I see" after an explanation of she didn't fully understand.

"Like, even if his mum is a medical doctor, I don't still see why he should be working in the medical unit, how does he know what he's doing" Kaif asked

"He's just carrying out the basic stuffs, checking if body temperature, blood pressure, pulse, Body mass index…and those are very easy to teach anyone"Kelly explained further animating with her hands as she spoke.

"Ohhh, I get it now"Kaif said nodding her head with understanding.

"And yes, I also saw Lara Peters"Kaif blurted out trying to mumble laughter because she knew what will come next.

Kelly immediately stood up from her sit and  started imitating Lara Peters "Up eagles…Up eagles, why ..Cause you're meant for the top" That was the chant of the cheerleading team at Brighton's high for the eagles Soccer Club and Lara Peters was a leader there. After this they both laughed out .

They continued talking about other things and about 1hr later their Father Mr Arizona joined them in the office with Kevin.

"Poppa" Kaif yelled out in a child like voice.

"Hey there…"Her dad replied smiling at she and Kelly as he settled down close to them joining in their conversation.

"Kaif, you've not done your monthly check-up right, Kelly you too, why don't both of you go for the main health check-ups, I've already informed Dr Georgia about you two"He said with a smile knowing that Kaif will protest.

"Daddd…" Kaif started " We can always do that later…we're trying to rest here" she said standing up obviously annoyed, why was dad like this always bringing up good suggestions at the worst possible times, Kaif thought.

Kelly quietly sprung into action to intervene in the matter. Both dad and kaif are stubborn, if I sit quietly then this convo is heading no where,Kelly thought.

She stood up and whispered into KAIF'S ear with a smile "Don't forget this could be a cool opportunity with Noah Miller"

Kaif turned to Kelly and smiled mischievously, she then said" see you later dad"and jogged out happily out of the office.

Mr Arizona was not surprised at the sudden change of behavior but gave Kelly a questioning look while she smiled in return.

Kelly just had a gift of convincing people, she would be Very beneficial to Meyelin Foods, Mr Arizona thought with a Smile.

On reaching the temporary office with a Tag reading Dr Georgia Hush, the door was Ajar and Noah Miller was sitting on a sit that seemed to be designated for Dr Georgia.

As they walked into the office, Noah was deeply engrossed in what sounded like a video on his tablet, so Kelly spoke up to alert him of their presence.


He looked up to see who walked in, Smiled sweetly in such a dashing way with Hazel Green eyes that seemed to twinkle and Kaif's heart missed a beat at the sight of this.

"How may I be of help to you, please" Noah said still smiling.

"What the…" Kaif blurted out of surprise while Kelly struggled to stiffle in a laughter.

Noah was surprised at the blurt manners and asked again acting all cool about it

"Anything the problem"

"Please cut it, why are you acting all sweet and cool, totally different from how you act in school'Kaif said with a sarcastic look expressed on her face.

"You go to Brighton's high"Noah asked slowly with a dimmed eyes

"Yes, we do" Kelly responded, on her response he laughed and said

"Oh..well my mum told me to kindly assume that everyone that walks into her office is a patient or a refugee and act nicely to them" He said smiling and curving his lips as he spoke.

"Wow…what a pleasant and precautionary advice, she must really be conversant with her son's behavior I suppose"Kaif Said again crossing her arms while Kelly quietly gave her a side nudge.

Just then a young woman gracefully walked into the office putting on a white labcaot.

"Noah" Sha said with a smile on her face looking like she was bringing news..

"Yes mum"he responded, tilting his head to the side and parting his front hair with his hand.

"Wow" Kelly said to herself"she's beautiful"

The woman looked too young to be a mother.

She was Tall,and had a graceful curve. She had an oval face with a straight long brown hair that fell across her shoulders.She had brown eyes, full eyebrows, curved lips and a well set jaw along with a glistening teeth that shone as she spoke.

"I see where Noah gets his cuteness and charm from" Kelly blurted out suddenly and everyone present there laughed out except Noah.

"Wait until you see my dad" Noah said curtly and continued staring at his tablet with indifference.

Mrs Georgia seemed to flinch as he said that and then walked towards him as if she wanted to pounce on him"what, do you mean I didn't contribute to any of your looks"she said while he stood up and ran across the office laughing deeply while his mum joined him, the both of them looking so happy with each other.

Kaif was shocked to see this side of Noah; so the  cold, stone-faced, rude Noah Miller could be this Warm, kind and even,Kaif thought as she stared at him.

"Hey girls"Georgia said finally focusing on the girls.

"You must be Arizona's girls"she said smiling sweetly.

"He already informed me that the both of you will be here, follow me"

As they followed her, Kelly whispered into Kaif's ear and excused herself and left the both of them.."You've been abandoned"Georgia turned to Kaif and said with a smile while Kaif responded shaking her head with a laughter.

"I know right" Kaif responded smiling, Kelly was sneaking away with Matt…silly girl, Kaif thought chuckling to herself.

They walked down the path and entered an office with a tag "Laboratory and Radiology"

"Sit down Dear"Dr Georgia said to her," I'll assist the running of your tests, but what of your sister" Asked Georgia

"She'll run hers later" Kaif responded, switching off her phone as she read an info"All phones should be switched off please"

After a series of tests that were quite tiring she noticed the laboratory scientists whispering to each other and checking a few papers over and over again while discussing with Doctor Georgia and one other person she assumed was a doctor.

"Kaif, you are going to carry out a few more tests ok including X-rays"Dr Georgia said walking towards her with a smile.

After the tests she noticed the tensed behavior of the scientists.

"Let's enter the second office, some other people want to carry out tests here" Georgia said walking towards the office.

After they've settled down, Georgia Broke some news to Kaif that she would never forget in her life.

"Kaif, after the series of tests you carried out, we got some laboratory and radiological findings that indicates that there are some cells outside your normal cells growing in your left breast" Dr Georgia said calmly and tried to explain further.

"OK. But it's no big deal right with the way you seem calm ."Kaif said 

Dr Georgia tried to explain further but Kaif cut her short

"To be sincere, I don't understand all you're saying, can you come out clearly."Kaif asked obviously confused.

With a bothered face Georgia said" KAIF, YOU HAVE CANCER ON YOUR LEFT BREAST"