Chapter 29

Next few days went by in hard and unbounded efforts to secretly know about Soot and the rest of his group. Turned out, he, Blue and Ash were actually siblings, which wasn't a surprise and also orphans which made Leonard pretty excited and confident. He was ready to bet his anything on the fact that he will break the ice with Soot faster than anyone else merely because he was also an orphan there. Paula couldn't be more worried at his overjoyed appearance. She wanted to tell him but he was too happy to be put down with a snap. Turning into a human had probably unlaced some buried sentiment deep inside her heart. It iriked her but they were there.

"I will lure him to me with my charm. We will be a hell of a pair, you will see." Leonard was saying, standing by the ladder of his and Merlin's bunk beds. Tris was sprawled on the bottom bed, his legs dangling off the edge near the door where stood, visibly bored and was looking at her mobile phone again and again.