Chapter 64

"So this girl is a lesbian, cool." Jenna said as Mary paused after the long narration. "Yes she is but these labels don't exist there. It's all normal and casual there. It's a better place than this one." Mary said. "Anyways." With that she continued.

"Here Cheron was helping Nova get ready for the arrival of guests. "Nova, don't tilt your head. Yes. Here it's done. Check it all." Cheron said, giving Nova's look the final touch. Nova got up from the soft velvet plush chair and looked at her full reflection in the mirror.

"Oh I do look good. Thanks to your hard work on my dress and accessories my darling friend." Nova said dramatically bowing before Cheron as a tiny strand of blond hair fell on her forehead that she blew off with a slight shake.

"I know there's hardly anything I can't do." Cheron said animatedly, sitting on the bed and flicking her hairs out of her face.