It didnt rain for fifteen more minutes and the noodles were cooked. "Alright we better take this inside, it might start raining anytime now." Mary said and they all started packing up the stuff and let the fire go down itself as Merlin blowed out the outer wooden blocks. They choose Mary's tent to camp in. It was bigger than anyone else's so was a better option. They, then poured the noodles to different utensils and served themself. They all were now sitting in a circle with their noodle filled bowls and some extra left between them.
It was now eben more cold so they decide to finish the soup before getting back under their cozy blankets and pick back up the story.
"So, who told you this story Mary? Just a ,bottle curious." Jenna aid as she took a fork full of her noodles and slided it inside her mouth.