"Don't worry isn't not some homophobic deal. He just fears that him telling the world, he likes men, that saying out loud he's gay might expose Janus. And don't ask me about Janus cause, I don't know. And anyway, who assumes everyone is straight unless they come out, these days."
"Although we still have Coming together ceremony that majorly involves cis gender man and woman."
"That's right." While Cheron was standing, leaning on the pole, Sirana was visibly out of breath from hopping and talking together.
"Its good for him still. He is not bound to go on a trip he doesn't wish for."
Sirana didn't turn out to be as tedious of nature as she assumed before. She was, as it turned out, a talented singer and very athletic. Other than looks, the only other character she shared with Cygnus was, the way both of them watches with their chin arched upwards and eyes squinted when extremely focused on something, however random.