
Sunday, the day of relaxation for all people who work really hard, that they don't have anything else rather than their daily had a working routine. A day dedicate to arts, passion and most of all giving time to our family. A day where we all get together to enjoy the one day on a weekend that has been granted to us. Not like every day we follow the habit that has been added to the routine. Which is kind of boring actually. Some extra time management is difficult. ah! what should one do this is life.

our main protagonist is also bound with his routines 'Mint Janthapan'. he was enjoying jogging around in sliva park. it was about 7:00 am in the morning. The weather was a little bit chill, fresh air, moist and satisfying smells of flowers stabilise the mind and body to relax in peace from its daily hard working routine.

As he was breathing heavily, vapours can be seen through his exile breath. having so much charming looks, tall about 6 feet and while wearing

his green shots, blue t-shirt, wearing a yellow Sony headphone, and a Korean Oppa type body was striking down the hearts of fellow girls and womens inside the park. while Fully wet in sweat, the smell of his body is working like nectar that attracts bees to come and eat the served food. Being the owner of seductive looks, who knows he was a jealousy subject for other men.


(on next day)

his daily training routine came to an end at 7:40 am. after his workout, he has to go get ready for his college.

Mint owns a luxury X8 BMW car, but somehow, on that day he wishes to take a short trip through the bus to college.

after a while, he was sitting on the bus stop's bench. (A place that can be explained as a green shredded tree covering up the area of two benches. A cherry cola adds printed on the left side of his head.) Meanwhile waiting for his bus to arrive, Mint reminds himself for receiving professor Pompe documents from his friend Ae Han.

He is an excellent student, hardworking, intelligent, at most capable of making the right decision. in short if I can say, a leading type of personality. his skills sometimes need for his company. although he is a student so he can't decide everything but can suggest better. all those qualities make him a perfect child of his parents. being the only heir of the multination clothing company named "Leaf". and his father and mother were growing old, As a result, he has to manage both of his worlds. his family business and his studies. Although the company only needs him at that time when the company needs some suggestions in difficult situations, that's still a little much for him. but as for his nature, he can't deny his responsibility. ah! what a life.

In the management of all those things, he has to pay a great price. He has a shortage of time, he has negligible time to fall in love with someone. Mint has assumed that it was his fate that he can not get rid off.

unwilling this makes him accepted it.

Who knows his fate gone change, what he was lacking the most, felt him somehow empty can be fulfilled too.

At 8:30 am he took the bus to the college. he gets up from the bench and takes a seat on the bus. the bus route was not directly going to the college, Mint has to take 3 separate busses.

it was only 9:00 am in the morning and reporting time was 10:00 am. he has enough time to encounter, So, On the second stop, he went to a coffee shop.

Mint ordered for a black cappuccino with a piece of vanilla strawberry cake, he was enjoying his morning meal. while holding up the cup with his left hand, he was looking at the file of the professor Pompe.

"This work is complicated. so the error should be corrected. let me see where it suppose to be correct." Mint was smart so he acted normal.

"Tring Tring."

this vibrant call came from a friend Max.


"Hello, where are you?"

"I'm now at the coffee shop."

"Finish it fast we need to do work.

Listen professor is only for today. He is going for a vacation and came after 2 weeks. Hurry up we need to submit  the assignment anyhow today."

"Ok, I'll be there in no time."

Ok, it's time for the class.

"Bill please."

After finishing his meal, Mint asks for the bill. in addition, he also asked for notepaper and a pen.

" I have been pleasured by your service and happy with you. you have warm-hearted service and so cool staffs that take great care of its customers. keep doing it.

 thanking you


after giving a thanks note, he stepped out from the cafe to take his bus. Mint has to Go to the other side of the road. it was a green signal, he can't pass. but when the red light blinks, he crosses the road. and takes the bus.

[bus route  Chonburi Pattaya highways to Sukhumvti road.]


(at university gate)

he arrives before the deadline. he 'huff' as he being saved himself for getting late.

meanwhile, at the time another person, A man is rushing towards University building carrying a black bag on his shoulder and some files and copies on his hands. He was Looking little worried, maybe he was afraid of being late for his very first day of class. 

Unwilling he directly smashes with Mint in hurry. Both collapse and Fall. This handsome man was a fresher.

His name was 'Martin Davis' (the name was quiet American). first-year science faculty. (Mint noticed on his I.D while helping him standing up) the guy is a mixed-race 'Indian-Thai' seems young. about 178 cm tall, cute looks and fit slim body.

Martin apologizes for this accident and swiftly ran away in a  hurry inside the building. This was the first time ever interaction between Mint and Martin. 

[On the same night at Mint house.]

After finishing his assignment Mint was sitting on his desk (wearing his yellow t-shirt in which a duck was printed and a navy blue pyjamas and his big glasses was completely killing it.) Mint has a habit to write letters once in a month to his granny who lives far away from the Pattaya city. He can't talk her with his phone, granny is old and her hearing ability is now deceased, but her eyesight somehow still works and she can only read.

Mint was very attached to her, but the inability of his granny of hearing and very less knowledge of modern technology the letter was the only option left to talk with her.

Most of his letters contain about himself, his college life, feelings, emotions and a little bit about a fantasy world he wants to live in. Sometimes he uses his imagination to tell his granny about his daily lives.

But today, the letter was a little different. because on next month on May 29 Mint's granny was going to be 75 years old. she is special, and Mint want the day of her granny to be special. he remembers that

he smiled and talk out his pen and paper to write a greeting to her. but doesn't tell about his visit. He was making a plan to make a big surprise for her. after a long time, Mint is going to visit his granny this summer.

mint quickly wrap the letter and posted it in next morning.