First kiss

Dixon took her home, so she could get dressed, he’d planned to take her to a place of solace. The place he loved going. Where he finds peace. while she was at it. He hurried to the kitchen to prepare some foods and dessert for them. Which he had to take with them. But the kitchen was a mess. He had to start wiping and cleaning, and washing the dishes he’d abandoned for days.

Fixing everything in the perfect order. He took his apron and wore them and then his hand glove. Throwing out the trash into the trash bag. He filled it up and took it out of the house. Into the street and dumped it on the waste bin.

And went back to the house.

He opened the door and saw Maeve standing by the TV set. He blinked and rubbed his eyes. Maybe he wasn’t seeing so well or what the hell was she wearing.

“What’s this?”


“I mean the....what the fuck!”

She wore a long black gown, and a skirt and tucked the gown into the skirt. She wore his face cap, and his sneakers.