Eamon’s Released

Dixon had left the hospital pretty late, that’s at the early hours of the morning. Feeling so weak and tired and all he need was a good bath and just try sleeping if it's gonna work.

Albert didn't say anything after the doctor left, Linda cried and fainted.

Waking up, she fainted again and that was how it went until he had lost count and she had to be admitted to the hospital.

The family she had been trying so hard to fix the falling in front of her eyes.

He didn't want to leave but the thought of Maeve kept her making him go bad home.

Just to see her.

“You’re back.”

“Yeah, is she awake, is there any sign?”

Dr. Green shook his head.

“She’s not, there hasn't been any sign at all.”

He walked away from the door and enter the room she was still on the bed.

He squat and held her hands. Kissing them.

“Am still waiting for you. Wake up soon.”

He kissed her forehead.

“How sir Albert?”

“He was poisoned.”

“How come?”

He sat on the bed, with her hands in his.