Chapter 8: Scumbag A (News) (R-18)

Lu Xie silently drove the car back home, Yu Shen didn't let go of her and kept sitting on her lap. Thankfully Lu Xie didn't get angry and let her she was a little happy.

She drove home then carry the omega in her arms and went straight to their room, she gently made her sit on the bed. But Yu Shen still had her arms around her neck refusing to let go.

"A-axie please listen to my explanation" Yu Shen cried tears came out of her eyes

Lu Xie sighed "okay ill listen but let go first and let me see your wrist," she said softly

Yu Shen obediently let go and showed her wrist, it was red and the hand had marks on them. Lu Xie took the aid kit and put cream on her hand and wrap it carefully with a clean bandage.

Yu Shen saw the distressed look on her lover and smiled sweetly after Lu Xie finished putting the bandage on. She return the kit and sat beside her omega silently. Yu Shen held her hand and started explaining to her what happened.

Of course, Lu Xie knows it's not her fault but she felt as if someone touches what's her. Her brain suddenly became blank and wanted to vent but nowhere to vent.

"Axie don't worry next time I will ignore him directly okay. Don't be mad" Yu Shen caressed her lover's cheek

She didn't hear her alpha speak and she felt sad but then she smell the scent of rose in the air. Lu Xie looks at her with her eyes red and her fangs out. Her alpha was in estrus her body heated up and the gentle scent of the alphas pheromone is wrapping around her body.

"A-axie" Yu shen pitifully said her breathing became heavy and distorted. Her eyes are losing focus

Lu Xie leaned on her lover and kissed her passionately, her hands slowly removed the omegas clothes little by little. Yu Shen was immersing herself in kissing her alpha she didn't even notice that she was already naked.

The cold wind made her mind a little sober, Lu Xie parted their kiss her head tilted slightly her fangs on the omegas glands, and took a bite.


Yu Shen moaned and put her arms around the neck of the alpha and gripped her clothes tightly. Pheromones poured inside her making her overwhelmed, and tears came out of her eyes.

After a while, Lu Xie retract her fangs and saw the person below her half-naked looking at her breathing heavily her face tinted with a beautiful shade of red and her mouth slightly opened, it was as if seducing her.

The alpha captured her lips biting and sucking her lower lip, both her hands were on the bare breast of the omega and started to fondle and pinch her nipples. Yu Shen's body twitched and moaned inside the alpha's mouth.

When she can't breathe anymore she tilted her head to the side and moaned. Lu Xie sucked on her breast while the other was pinching the other breast.


Her right hand remove the dress leaving only her underwear, Yu Shen moved her hands and unzipped the alpha's dress making it slide down easily. She was feeling pleasure she never felt before and bite her lover's collarbone.

The room was filled with both the scent of jasmine and rose to mix in the air. After Lu Xie was satisfied she left the omega's breast and made her way down in between her thighs.

Yu Shen felt her go down she was about to close her thighs but was stopped by the alpha's hand and felt her underwear suddenly get ripped easily by the alpha's fangs.

Lu Xie saw her lover's cunt drenched it was slightly pink and it twitches from time to time. Yu Shen felt the hot breath against her cunt making her wetter.


Yu Shen looked at the alpha looking at her cunt as if observing she was very embarrassed and wanted her to stop staring but she was shy.

Lu Xie saw her reaction and wanted to taste her now, slowly she approach her cunt and gave her very first lick. Yu Shen's eyes widen and moaned loudly.

'Delicious' the alpha licked her lip and started devouring the omega's cunt.

Yu Shen arched her back both hands pulling her head deeper, she kept moaning in pleasure. Both her legs wrapped around her neck tightly.

Lu Xie put her tongue inside her cunt and kept going deeper.


Yu Shen moaned loudly her cunt was tightening around her tongue, Lu Xie speed up her movement making the omega arch her back.


Yu Shen came inside her mouth, Lu Xie retract her tongue look at her lover convulsing. But she was not done yet, she crawled up and captured the omega's lip once again. She kissed her lovingly and prop her body then position herself.

The omega felt the desire of her alpha she wrapped her arms around her, and she let her do what she wants. Lu Xie slowly pushes the mating organ inside the omega while kissing her.

The omega felt her insides were being filled by her lover, she pull out the kiss.


Yu Shen moaned loudly beside her ears, and her arms and legs tightened around her. Lu Xie slowly moved her hips making the omega adjust for a while.

"Y-you can move now honey" hearing the omega ready, Lu Xie started moving her hips faster. The omega was being overwhelmed by this new pleasure her mind was blank and her insides were hot.

Lu Xie kept moving her hips and then once again bite the omega's glands, Yu Shen's vision blurred, her mind was buzzing and she felt both pain and pleasure at the same time.

She also bit the alpha all over her collarbone, then she suddenly felt something cumming. Lu Xie felt the omega's cunt tightening and speeding up her hips once more.



Lu Xie growled her hands pinched the erected nipples and kept thrusting long hard strokes inside the omega. Yu Shen tried holding back and arched her back.



[Ding! Does the host want to impregnate the heroine

Yes or No]

Lu Xie heard the prompt of the system and chooses no, she needs to first help her make the Yu family return to their original place before having a child with her.

She looks at her omega who fainted and smiled she took out her mating organ and scoop up her lover and let her head rest on her chest. Pull on the quilt and hugged her to sleep.


The next day

Yu Shen woke up the sun was shining brightly outside, she squinch her eyes and tried rubbing against her alpha like she used to do every morning but she didn't feel anyone besides her.

She opened her eyes and sat up on the bed, seeing that she was not there, touching the place her lover used to sleep it was slightly warm which means she's just leave. But her heart felt a little lost that's when the door opened

Lu Xie woke up early and make lunch for her little omega, opening the door she saw her awake.

"Good morning love" Lu Xie walked toward her with a tray in her hand and put it beside her

Yu Shen's eyes turned red and tears fall, Lu Xie was shocked and immediately hugged and patted her back.

"My love why are you crying? Are you hurt anywhere? Don't cry" Lu Xie coaxed her softly her tone was distressed

Yu Shen can't help but cry, even more, the feeling of loss in her heart was replaced with joy when she saw her enter the room. She fell more in love with this alpha now she can't imagine her life without her.

"Stop crying my love your eyes will become puffy" Lu Xie wiped her tears with her thumb her eyes were soft and her lips were smiling

Yu Shen stopped crying and just hugged her.

"Love I only made lunch since it's late, now let's eat I'm sure you are hungry, you didn't eat enough last night" Lu Xie pull out the hug and place the try in front of her

"Wah, my favorite" Yu Shen said excited about her favorite fruit shake and pancakes with syrup

"Eat my love" Lu Xie took the knife and fork can start cutting them into bite sizes then feeding her


They both eat happily on the bed and took a shower, Yu Shen felt something change inside her. She touches her glands and looks carefully in the mirror she was stunned, Lu Xie marked her for life.

Yu Shen was very happy in her heart, Lu Xie naturally saw her who was just right beside her. She hugged her from behind and put her head on her shoulder.

"Are you happy I marked you my love" Lu Xie said a little hoarse

"Uhm I'm happy honey thank you," Yu Shen said sincerely

Lu Xie kissed her passionately, being an SS rank Alpha can mark an omega in just a few hours, and with the help of the system, she was able to fully mark her for life. Having a high rank can easily mark her mate if she wanted to.

"Love, when you graduate what's your plan?" Lu Xie made her sit on her lap

"Well I plan to inherit the company after I graduate and make it return from the top" and also to be able to stand on your side and give you a little Lu. Yu Shen didn't say the latter and leaned her head on her shoulder

Lu Xie nodded and opened the news, her mood suddenly became satisfied.

The news was about Mi Fe and Wen Han in an underground relationship they were both caught by Wen Han's parents who were looking for her. They also took a video of Wen Han desperately talking that they were not in a relationship.

But people said otherwise, Wen Han was marked for life by Mi Fe. In the video, it can be seen that Shu Di and his parents were humiliated and embarrassed. But Shu Di felt that they made him wear a green hat.

"Mr. Wen the engagement is off" Old Shu declared and leave with his son and wife

"W-wait Mr. Shu" Old Wen tried to stop them but to no avail

"F-father" Wen Han grabbed her father's clothes


Wen Han was slapped hard by her father and her lips were broken.

"Y-you blasted child, from now on you will not inherit the company and will marry into the Mi family. Your younger brother will take over" Old Wen said before turning his back and left

"No! Father you can't do this! Father!" Wen Han shouted but was ignored

She looks desperate not only did she lose her inheritance, and fiance but also she's going to marry into the Mi family. Wen Han can be seen holding her head and tears coming down her eyes.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task. The host received 500 points. There are 600 points left]

Yu Shen saw the news and didn't care, she had a hunch since she came in contact with Wen Han before. The jealousy and hatred in her eyes can be seen clearly by her.

Lu Xie turned the tv off after the news, she hugged her omega's waist and kiss her cheeks.

"Love, I also forgot to tell you we will have a family dinner in 5 days here"

"Really" Yu Shen was excited

"Yes love so let's get ready" Lu Xie latter the head of the excited omega


5 days later

In the evening both parents of the two came to the newly married partners. Yu Shen went to open the door and greeted them.

"Mom Dad" Yu Shen said excited she hugged the four of them

"Little Shen did Lu Xie bully tell me and ill teach her a lesson" Dad Lu patted the head of Yu Shen

"She didn't bully me dad in fact she's taking good care of me," Yu Shen said with a bright smile

"Really" Dad Lu raises one of his eyebrows, looking at the bright complexion of the girl he slightly believes it.

"Come let's go inside Mom Dad" Yu Shen step aside and went in

The four sat down on the sofa and look for Lu Xie.

"Little Shen where is Lu Xie?" Mom Yu ask

"Mom she's the one cooking for us tonight" Yu Shen placed fruits on the table

"Cooking! Really?" Mom Lu was stunned that her daughter had never gone or even step into the kitchen before she always made the maid cook.

"Yes mom, don't worry she's a great cook" Yu Shen praised

Mom and Dad Lu look at each other then nodded. Pick one of the fruit and ate it their eyes widen.

"What kind of fruit is this it's crunchy and sweet" they were all shocked this is not a fruit anywhere in the world

"Mom Dad these fruits are all grown by Lu Xie in our backyard, there are different kinds of fruits there, I also know don't know what it is" Yu Shen simply said

"Did she tell you where she got it" Mom Lu ask

"She said it's a secret maybe we can ask her later" Yu Shen shook her head

The four nodded and continue to eat the fruits, each fruit is different there is watermelon, strawberry and apples cut into small bite-size pieces.

Minutes later they smelled a delicious smell coming from the kitchen.

"Waahh, what is that smell it smells delicious" Dad Yu

"I've never smelled something like this before" Mom Lu also said

Yu Shen smiled and stood up "I'll help her with the plates I'm sure she's done cooking" she went to the kitchen

"Mom Dad dinner's ready " Yu shen called them

The four walked toward the kitchen and saw the dishes are different from what they usually eat.

"Mom Dad take a seat," Lu Xie said who was wearing a panda apron

The four take a seat and pick up their chopsticks, they were a bit hesitant but when they saw Yu Shen take one of the dishes and ate them she kissed Lu Xie's cheeks.

"Mom Dad please taste your daughter's craftmanship and see if it's your taste" Lu Xie pushed some dishes to them.

The parents all pick one of the dishes and ate them, their eyes widen, and bowed their heads and devoured the food. Only the sound of chopsticks can be heard, Lu Xie was being fed by Yu Shen from time to time.


All the dishes were completely empty, the parents had a satisfied face.

"Little Lu when did you learn to cook I've had known for a long time that you never stepped inside the kitchen before" Mom Lu ask

Lu Xie knew she would ask, since in this world though they can eat vegetables, fruits, and meat but it had no taste at all and no seasonings. The last time she was in the mall to get some food, all the products were different from the earth all kinds of fruits that have spikes and weirdly looking ones.

She didn't know if it was edible or poisonous, she researched in her free time and only bought what she recognize from the market.

Five days ago, when Yu Shen was asleep she decided to try the silver roulette.

"System I want to try the silver roulette this time"

[Ding! The host will spend 50 points on each spin]

"Okay let's do it"

"System I want to spin the roulette three times"

[Ding! Silver roulette set 3]

The silver roulette is the same as the bronze but with different colors that had question marks on them. Lu Xie cluck the word spin, the roulette pinned


[Ding! Congratulations on getting a space farm ability]

[Ding! Congratulations on getting an advanced protective gear]

[Ding! Congratulations on getting the unlimited super soil]

"Wah nice" Lu Xie was excited

First, she opened her space farm ability and she was transported to a whole new world. In the space, there was a big barn filled with animal in fences like cows, sheep, chickens, etc. There were even all types of fish she recognize and other seafood are inside the space farm.

"Wah, this can finally save me from getting poisoned" Lu Xie cried without tears and explored the place it was big. She could come and go as she, please. She can bring some inside if she agreed to it.

"System what is the super soil"

[Ding! It's as the name suggests, the supper soil can make your plants grow 20x faster than their original time]

"Really then can I also plant outside the space farm"

[Yea host]

Lu Xie was excited she immediately search the barn and surely she had watermelon, strawberries, and other fruit seeds.

She got up from the bed and went to the backyard it was dark but she used a flashlight. Took out the soil pour it on the ground and plant the seed.

"System do I have to water the plants"

[No need to host the soil itself is very convenient it has its water with it]

"That is very convenient"

Lu Xie returned to their room and sleep.