Chapter 11: Scumbag A (Accident) (Pregnancy)

(General POV)

Yu Shen went to the Yu Company after she graduated and slowly she monopolize her talent. Making the board of directors look forward to her making the company return to its former glory.

While Lu Xie expanded the restaurant branches all over the world, making it the number one most fully booked place in the world. Even if you have influence or power one must follow the rules.

With the help of the space farm, Lu Xie was able to increase the quantity of the ingredients needed in the restaurant and dessert shop. Her fame and talent spread throughout the world.

Her value increased, and even the Yu company is starting to raise which makes other small companies get cooperation with them. As long as the project has potential they can likely to talk.

After the accident, Mi Fe went to jail, and the Mi company went bankrupt all the money was spent on the mall that sank. The Wen family also lost a lot of money and is now recovering from the impact.

Shu Di had ignored some important meetings because he was busy finding faults in Lu Xie. Which allowed Lu Xie to get the future employees who made the Shu company raise.

Ever since what happened in the restaurant he still couldn't give up on Yu Shen, she was the only omega who really treated him sincerely.

*knock knock*

"Come in," Shu Di said hoarsely

Wen Han come in and looked at her ex-fiance who is haggard and his face had untrimmed hair making him look older.

Shu Di saw the person who enter and his face was cold. "What do you want," he said rudely

"I have a proposal with you" Wen Han didn't care about his tone and sat down opposite him.


(Lu Xies POV)

[Ding! The system advice the host to look out for trouble

Reward: Soul Contract

Failure: Death]

Lu Xie heard the prompt on her mind and stop what she was doing.

"System what does the soul contract mean"

[It's as the name says, the host can make a soul contract with anyone, even after death the souls can find each other in any world they are in. The two will always meet.]

"I see"

Lu Xie nodded in understanding, she continue packing her luggage. She's going on a business trip to City Z, Yu Shen was sad but she also helped her pack her luggage.

"Why the long face my love" Lu Xie chuckled her wife has been pouting since last night

"Your going to leave me how can I not be sad" Yu Shen madly pouted

"Hehehe baby ill be gone for only 3 days, don't worry I'll be back in no time" Lu Xie giggled and pinch her cheeks

"But I have never been parted with you for so long and I don't like it," Yu shen said as she was about to cry.

"Don't cry, my love" Lu Xie hugged her little omega tightly

Yu Shen sobbed and buried her head in her chest, she is reluctant to let her go. Even though she wants to go with her, the company had an important meeting.

"My love, my flight is in an hour I need to finish packing" Lu Xie patted her little omega's back

"B-but..., baby do you not love me anymore that's why you rushing to leave" Yu Shen tighten her hug to her

"Of course not, I love you very much, love. Don't think that I don't love you anymore, in this life you are the only one I want okay love." Lu Xie said softly coaxing her omega

Yu Shen didn't know why but she's being paranoid, she knows her alpha is not like other alphas. But that made her even more worried Lu Xie is beautiful, kind, caring, and most of all loving.

She didn't want anyone looking at her alpha when she was not beside her. Thinking about the looks of omega to her alpha, her eyes turned cold as ice and her mind darken.

"Love, don't worry okay. You can call me or video call anytime okay" Lu Xie pinch her chin and dropped a kiss

"Okay, I love you, Lu Xie," Yu Shen said seriously her eyes were obsessed looking at her alpha

"I love you too Yu Shen" Lu Xie sealed it with a passionate kiss.

Yu Shen and their parents all took her to the airport, along the way, Yu Shen is cuddling with her alpha her hands tightly around her neck. She's going to miss her very much this will be the first time they will be separated for a long time.

"Little Lu be careful on your way" L's mom and dad hugged her daughter

"Yes mom dad" Lu Xie dropped a kiss on their cheeks

Lu Xie turned her head to her wife and smiled "Love, take care of yourself okay. Wait for me" then kissed her forehead and lips

"I promise, take care of yourself also baby," Yu Shen said lovingly

Lu Xie waved her hand to the people she was going to leave and took her seat on her private plane. She sat by the window looking at her loved ones getting further and further away.


That night Yu Shen had insomnia she was used to having Lu Xie holding her to sleep and softly patting her back. She was aggrieved hot tears run down her cheeks, she missed her alpha very much.

Thinking that she was not beside her made her very depressed, she would always call or VC her all day long.

"My love, how are you doing" Lu Xie called her omega after she finished with the meeting.

"I miss you hon very much," Yu Shen said pitiful her eyes had a slight dark circle

"My love, don't worry just 2 more days and ill come home okay" Lu Xie coaxed her little omega

Yu Shen was sad and she didn't sleep well last night. When she heard the voice of her alpha she slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Lu Xie noticed her and watched her fall asleep, she continue signing papers on her desk while watching the little omega sleeping.

"System, how many points do I have left"

[Ding! The host has 450 points left]

Lu Xie was thinking if she would buy or play the roulette again, but in the end, she choose to keep it for now. She still had the advanced protective gear that can save her once if she is ever in danger.

Yu Shen would always sleep lightly at night with her alpha watching her sleep, she felt safe when her alpha is watching her sleep. Every day she would wear her alpha's clothes when she misses her and it will remind her that she is beside her.

Time passed and no accident happened which made Lu Xie frown, she was curious about who is plotting against her. And there are only Shu Di, Mi Fe, and Wen Han who are vicious enough to kill a person without batting an eye.

But she crossed out Mi Fe he was already in prison and can't contact anyone. She took out her phone and type the words.

"My love, I'll be returning today. Wait for me at the airport okay" Lu Xie texted her omega

"Okay, hon I'll wait for you" Yu Shen replied happily she can finally see her alpha again

Lu Xie and her assistant drove toward the airport, for some reason her heart felt uneasy. Look at her assistant and made her take a different plane.

"Go take the ticket, and give this to my wife" Lu Xie handed a letter, the assistant was confused she's going home but she's giving it to her

The assistant nodded and took a different plane, Lu Xie don't want anyone to get hurt so she drove the plane by herself and the crew was put on the same plane with the assistant.

"System, check the plane"

[Ding! Searching.....]

[Ding! There's a bomb on the plane]

"What kind of bomb" Lu Xie drove the plane steadily her hands gripped the steering wheel

[Ding! It's a time bomb in 10 seconds it will explode]

Lu Xie immediately clicks the auto pilot and runs toward the door. Broke the glass containing the parachute, wore it behind her opened the door.

[Ding! 9...8...7....6...5...]

The strong wind hit her face, putting on the protective gear. She gritted her teeth and jumped out of the plane. At the same time.


(Yu Shens POV)

Yu Shen and their parents of two were waiting at the airport when suddenly they heard the news.

[Alarming news in.... The plane 098-XXXX exploded while in the air. ]

Reporter: The news just came in, the plane 098-XXXX owned by President Lu Xie exploded while it was still in the air. The authorities were immediately sent and looked for anyone on...

Yu Shen suddenly froze and her mind went blank she didn't hear the rest of the news. Her tears fall down her heart ached and she began to feel unbreathable.

"What! No no no no no no no, my daughter" L's mom cried in her L dad's embrace

L dad immediately called the authorities "Search every corner, make sure you find my daughter" he said coldly

"Little Yu..." Yu mom said

When suddenly Yu Shen fainted, "Yu shen, Yu Shen...." Yu's mom caught her and tapped her cheeks again and again

"Let's take her to the hospital" Yu's Dad immediately carried them in the car and drove to the hospital followed by Lu's parents.

Yu Shen was rushed to the hospital, both parents were worried, one had an accident while the other suddenly fainted.

"Investigate what happened, look at anyone suspicious before my daughter left the country" Yu's dad called the special force military

He and the major general were friends and also meet Lu Xie he had a good impression of this alpha. Not only is she a genius but also knowledgeable in the military. They would often talk when she and Yu Shen visited Yu's parents.

"Don't worry my friend, I'll find her" He said seriously

"Thank you," Yu's dad said trying to hide his sadness

"Don't worry, she is strong she'll survive this" he comforted

Yu's dad hummed and hang up the phone, his friend dispatched a large group of people and divers. All of which dive deep into the sea to look for anybody.


"Why...why is this happening to our family" Lu's mom cried

"Don't cry, Lu Xie is strong she will live" Yu's mom confronted they both hugged comforting each other

Later, the doctor comes out of the ward. Yu's dad stood up "Doctor, how is my daughter," he asked worriedly

"Don't worry sir, your daughter is fine. But please make sure she won't be stressed or she and the baby will be in danger" the doctor said seriously

The parents were both stunned by what they heard, Yu Shen is pregnant. If the omega is pregnant in its first few months she needs her alphas pheromones to comfort her. Or she'll suffer from pain.

"Thank you, doctor," Yu's dad said the doctor nodded

Both parents went inside the ward and saw Yu Shen sitting on the bed with a blank look in her eyes. Yu's mom holds her daughter's hand, "What did the doctor say mom" Yu Shen in a low voice

"Y..your pregnant" Yu's mom whispered

Yu Shen was a little surprised her face lit up with sadness and happiness, she caress her stomach affectionately. Their love sprouted she's pregnant, she had always wanted to be pregnant with her child and now she is but at an unfortunate time.

"Little Yu what is the plan," Lu's mom asked softly

"I'll keep the child mom" Yu Shen caress her stomach

"But Yu Shen you need to have Lu Xie's pheromones for the first few months or you will suffer from pain," Yu's mom said worriedly

"Mom this child is the only thing that is left to me," Yu Shen said with tears in her eyes, she can't without Lu Xie but she also can't give up this unborn child

It is proof of their love for each other, she loves this child. Yu mom hugged her daughter and comforted her.
