Chapter 30: Vampires and Werewolves

(A/N: This was a suggestion from one of my readers in my first book. I didn't have the time to read the comments and ended it very clumsily. So I want to create it now

By the way, thank you for your suggestion. And waiting for your next suggestion 😉)





The night covered everything in its path, not a single light was seen. All the sleeping is waking up this time of night.

From a distance, a huge creepy-looking mansion can be seen. Inside the mansion was vintage-looking furniture like in the 1950s.

In one specific room, was a tall coffin the room was somewhat clean and tidy. Inside the coffin was a sleeping beauty, she lay on the coffin straight and her hands were clasped together.

The moon was full today making the moonlight illuminate the room, sometime later the beauty in the coffin opened her eyes slowly.

Her beautiful red eyes are like a ruby with a little orange color on her pupils. She had white blueish hair that reached her waist, thin eyebrows, a delicate nose, and thin rosy lips.

The beauty stepped out of her coffin, walked toward the window, and drew the curtains covering the moonlight from getting in.

Looking outside, it was dark and everything seemed to be dead quiet only the bats and owls were awake.

[Ding! Transferring plot]

The system prompted her mind, she made her way to the bed next to the coffin then lay down and accepted the plot.

This is a world where vampires and werewolves exist, the story started when the female lead stumbled upon a world of supernatural by accident.

A world that is different from where she was. Their existence was kept in secrecy but the human president made a peace treaty between the two races to maintain world peace. (Only high-ranking officials knew about their existence)

The female lead An Yu was a normal college student from modern times when she suddenly came into a world where the supernatural exists. She was very scared and that's when she met the male lead Jiang Ji an alpha werewolf.

Jiang Ji fell in love with the female lead the first time he encountered her, but he has a fiance which prevented him from openly pursuing the female lead-- the fiance is the daughter of the alpha werewolf of the Blue Royal Pack.

Jiang Ji loved the female lead but then later when he knew that her blood is special that it can cure and enhance the strength of those who drink it. He was ambitious and desired power the most.

So he locked her up in a cage in his basement, where he forced her to cut her wrist and feed her blood-multiplying pills to increase her blood supply. He is going to increase his strength tremendously, to take over the world.

He chooses power over love.

'His ambitions are high isn't it'


The original owner was a vampire princess heir to the throne, she was beautiful, smart, and loving. She grew up with loving parents making her a not-so-cold vampire.

She first meets the female lead when she was out in the middle of the night, she was stunned by her beauty and her smell is different. But she knew this smell very much it is the smell of human blood. Though she doesn't drink human blood her vampire mother would sometimes let her take a sip of blood that she had stored for special occasions.

Her control over her bloodthirst was excellent, since young her parents have been training her.

So she didn't attack her when she saw her and just stayed in her place calmly, staring at her. The dead heart in her chest began to beat this shocked her like she was having a heart attack and she immediately looks away making her heart calm down but when she looks again her heart once again speeds up.

The original owner had liked her since then, the only problem was that she was in love with an alpha werewolf. Vampires and werewolves don't usually get along and are very hostile to each other, so she only watches her from afar.

After Jiang Ji knew about her special blood, he locked her up in his basement. The original owner was desperate and attempted to rescue the female lead but Jiang Ji had already been drinking the blood of the female lead.

Enhancing his strength to another level, thus killing her.

Until the end of her death, her heartfelt love and voice were never known by the female lead. She kept silent until the end. The only regret was the powerlessness of being unable to protect her beloved and the incapability of giving the female the happiness she deserved.

On her last breath, she stared at the female lead who was chained up in a cage with lifeless eyes with no emotion. And made a vow.

'If I will be given a chance to start over, I'll make sure you will never suffer again and give you the happiness that you deserve. Forgive me for not coming early and for letting you walk in the dark.'

With that, she breathes her last breath. Her body turned to ash and was blown by the wind leaving nothing behind.

The female lead died 3 days later from the loss of blood but the male lead had collected large amounts of her blood which he used to take over the world.

After Jiang Ji got what he wanted, he felt empty and lonely in his heart then he thought of the person who he loved but decided to push her to death. His heart was filled with regret and guilt, he got what he wanted but the cause was the death of a person he once loved very much.

"Tsk, it's too late to regret" Lu Xie sneered and sat on the bed her mood was low after reading the plot

[Ding! Main Mission:

1. Protect the female lead

2. Give the female lead happiness

3. Make the male lead suffer ]

Lu Xie closed her eyes to calm down, "System which part of the plot are we now?"

[Ding! In ten minutes the female lead will appear]

"Immediately locate where the female lead will be summoned" Lu Xie stood up from the bed and took her cloak

Opened the glass door on the balcony, and the cold wind blew gently on her face. Stepping on the railings and looking down the horse stable was a little far from her room.

Lu Xie didn't hesitate to jump down from the balcony.



The sound of flapping wings sounds in the night, two beautiful black wings like a bat appeared on her back flapping up and down stabilizing the person's body.

Lu Xie flew to the stable, she took her horse a beautiful black horse with red eyes.



Lu Xie held the lead and lightly tapped its sides the horse started to run at a fast speed. To the forest


After the bell rang, the students packed their bags and slowly left.

An Yu put her books in her backpack and then carried them on her back, she left the classroom and made her way to a bus stop.



Stepping on the bus she sat down near a window, leaning against it. She sighed hard, looking outside. She thought about her life which is somewhat uneventful and ordinary.

She can be called to be an introvert she doesn't socialize with other people and is always alone. She didn't like dealing with other people, she likes quiet places and not-so-crowded places.

This was a problem for her since she can't have any friends and was scared to be judged, she usually wears glasses and loose clothes making her a nerd. Though she is beautiful she didn't like the attention of other people.

One reason was that her mother disliked her face very much she didn't know why, so she always made herself ugly to please her mother. An Yu sighed heavily

The bus stopped then she stepped out, she took her usual route which is in an alley it was a shortcut to the direction of her house.

While walking a bright light suddenly shone brightly blinding her and closing her eyes. She didn't notice that she was sent to a different world.



A strong gust of wind blew making her feel cold, when she opened her eyes again she was in a forest. She got up from the ground in panic and looked around, she felt scared and cold.

She didn't see anything but with the help of the moonlight she could see a little. She put on her jacket to warm herself when she heard growling begin her.


Yu Shen stiffened, her body shook, and slowly looked back only to see a very big wolf staring at her with its mouth opened showing his teeth.

She fell to the ground scared and didn't have time to scream when it suddenly charged toward her. She subconsciously closed her eyes.

Waiting for the pain to come but it didn't, she slowly opened her eyes to see a person on a horse holding a sword with blood. Making the white snow turn red.