Chapter 34: Vampires and Werewolves

It's been 2 months since then, An Yu warmed up to her and now they can be called proper finances. Lu Xie had been making An Yu get used to her calling her sweet names, pampering her, caring for her, and giving her what she wants.

An Yu felt special when Lu Xie was always being sweet to her, but something was holding her back. She knew that at the beginning that is the condition for her to stay here until she returned.


She's hesitating she did fall in love with her, when she thought about the conditions they agreed on there were no words saying that they can't fall in love with each other. So she is holding onto that thin rope hoping she will also fall.

She didn't do everything like any girlfriend or fiance would do and Lu Xie always stayed the same but she saw in her eyes that she is gradually falling. This made her have more hope in that rope she was holding.

"System, why didn't you give me any mission about the male lead for 2 months," Lu Xie asked while on the balcony on the second floor, looking at the garden where Yu Shen is watering the plants.

[Ding! Because your mission today is to make the plot not repeat but the system advises that the host immediately make the male lead regret and let the female lead reach full happiness]

"System did you forget that I can't rush into the werewolf territory and kill him," Lu Xie said sarcastically

[Ding! That is for the host to think of a strategy]

Lu Xie put her right index finger under her chin and thought about any strategy.

A few minutes later.


"Oh, I have an idea" Lu Xie snapped her fingers and had a bright smile on her face.

[Does the host want to share]

"Well, it's either, I directly sucked the female leads to blood and attacked the male lead after getting powerful"

[And making the female lead hate you and repeating her ending in the plot] the system argues

"That's why I have another idea, don't cut me" Lu Xie argues back

The system went silent and Lu Xie continued her idea number two.

"It's to make him feel what the original owner felt, unrequited love. He can see her but can't touch her or communicate with him" Lu Xie continued

[Ding! The system agrees with the latter]

"Me too, so I want you to monitor where he will appear that's within the vampire and werewolf territory, I don't want her to see bloodshed," Lu Xie said

[Ding! The system is on it]

The system then quieted down, Lu Xie jumped from the balcony to the garden landing softly near An Yu.

"Do you like roses?" Lu Xie asked she noticed her looking at the roses since she came here.

An Yu was slightly startled and relaxed instantly "Yes I like it very much" since it's the same as your scent though you don't put on perfume. An Yu didn't say the latter

Lu Xie nodded took a knife out of her space and gently held three roses, she swiftly cut the rose's ends then skillfully removed the thorns on the roses then handed them to her fiance one by one.

'I. Love. You" Lu Xie said word per word

An Yu's heart beat faster and blushed as she took the roses, she still can't get used to her saying I love you all the time. But at that moment her heart was sweet and happy.

Lu Xie had been observing her for quite some time and knew that she fell in love with her. She also wanted to say she loves him, she was just waiting for the preparation where she will confess.

"Baby, do you remember the appointment we have in 3 days," Lu Xie asked softly

An Yu's heart stopped for a while then became nervous, she nodded her head.

In 3 days she will meet her fiance's parents, she had been thinking about what to give them. She had been nervous for days, thankfully Lu Xie kept assuring her making her calm down.

"Baby, don't be nervous I told you they will like you" Lu Xie patted her head helplessly

An Yu nodded and hugged her, smelling the rose scent she calmed down and was able to think straight.

"Alright but before we go I have a surprise for you tonight" Lu Xie gently pulled the hug

"What kind of surprise?" An Yu asked excitedly she likes surprises.

"You will see tonight, now it's time for lunch" Lu Xie gently pulled her into the house

An Yu pouted cutely, she was a little dissatisfied but only stayed for a second she was still excited about the surprise.


Jiang Ji was tormented for a whole week, and the woman's image kept flashing in his mind. That he became irritated and vented his anger on the beast in the forest. He would always come to find his way to the place where he first saw her.

Then her image would flash on his mind, he was irritated at first but lately, he would often find himself trying to think for her.

Because he saw her once, the image in his head that was vivid started to get a little blur and he panicked. He went to the place where he first met her but her image was slowly blurring.

That's when he felt his heart beating in his chest, he asked his mother and was told that it was called love. He was a little mad but there is a voice in his heart telling him to go see her.

The problem was that she was in vampire territory he couldn't get in or he would be the reason for vampires and werewolves to go to war again like hundreds of years ago.

So he would roam the nearby werewolf and vampire territory borders to just have a glance at the woman who made his heartbeat race that was cold for a whole 20 years.

He didn't want to forget her and would always roam around the place for a whole 2 months.


That night, Lu Xie blindfolded An Yu and took her to the sky, she prepared the most beautiful place.

The same place the original owner wanted to confess her heart felt love with the female lead but was never fulfilled.

Lu Xie landed slowly on the ground and led her toward a nice dinner spot, where she could see the view of the vampire territory and the moon was full. Making the place like a fantasy dinner.

"Baby, you can take off your blindfold" Lu Xie whispered in her ear

An Yu felt the hot breath spray on her ear and it turned red, she took the blindfold off.

Her eyes slowly adjusted and were dumbfounded by the place, it was simply gorgeous and sophisticated.

The place was made with careful preparation and small details were also added like the small little lights that are hanging on a wood ceiling and romantic lights lit up the place with the moon.

An Yu was simply happy and turned to see the vampire beside her but saw her kneeling. Both hands covered her mouth in shock.

"An Yu, my love, my baby and my one and only. I want to make our relationship official, I know we agreed to pretend but as time goes on and I was able to know you. I gradually fell in love with you." Lu Xie looked at her lovingly

"An Yu I love you, Will you marry me?" Lu Xie said sincerely, then took out a ring in her pocket then showed her

The ring was exquisite, a platinum base with two roses in the middle with a red and blue gem embedded on each rose. The gems both glow softly in the night.

An Yu's tears fell on her cheeks, her heart was exploding with happiness and the whole person was like on cloud nine.

"Y--Yes ill marry you" An Yu nodded again and again

Lu Xie stood up and put on the ring on her finger, pinched her chin then had their very first... Kiss.

An Yu put her hands around her neck, then kissed back full of love. She imagined this scene in her head from the moment she knew she was in love with her.

She knew she was assuming that time but it became real and can't help but pour her love into their kiss and say in her heart.

'Finally, I have her, I have her, I have her' she shouted three times in her heart. If you want it to come true shout it three times

Lu Xie gently pulled the kiss then kissed her forehead "Baby, are you surprised?" she asked pampering

An Yu nodded happily "I love it honey" she replied then peek her lips

Lu Xie smiles and then pulls a chair for her to sit down. An Yu sat down and both ate the food her fiance prepared.

"Honey, your craft is so good. I can't seem to eat anything unless you make it" An Yu praised

Lu Xie laughed and stared at her lovingly "Then what does my baby want to eat tomorrow we will be going on a picnic. I want to take you around our territory" she put both hands together under her chin

"I want beef, chicken skewers, milk tea, fish cakes, and some egg sandwiches," An Yu said with her fingers counting each dish she thought

"Alright, what my baby wants, my baby gets" Lu Xie kissed her cheeks

An Yu also kissed her cheeks back. She became bolder now with her actions since they are official she didn't need to hold back anymore.

"Eat more baby, you are so thin" Lu Xie put her favorite food on her plate

"Honey, you're going to make me fat" An Yu pouted

"Baby, you're not fat, look your waist, arms and legs are thin like if a wind blew you will be taken away," Lu Xie said a little serious

An Yu laughed and obediently ate the food with a smile on her face.

Seeing that she was eating obediently, Lu Xie was slowly adding food to her plate while she eat a little.
