Chapter 41: Vampires and Werewolves (Final)

After the incident, An Yu gave birth to a healthy baby girl she got Lu Xie's beautiful silver hair and she got her eyes from beautiful blue gem eyes that twinkled.

Lu's parents named her, Lu Shu.

Lu Shu was only a year and two months old when the portal opened.

"Baby, are you sure you're staying here," Lu Xie asked softly

"Yes, honey at first I want to go back but I have you here not there and our daughter is also here" An Yu smiled

"Aish this couple come on let's go" Lu's mother carried her grandchild and stepped into the portal with her wife.

An Yu was confused about why they still needed to go.

"Baby, I forgot to tell you something, my parents have a company in the human world" Lu Xie pulled her wife gently and stepped into the portal.

An Yu didn't have time to speak when she was pulled, the moment she opened her eyes again. She felt as if it was the first time she saw the sun.

Tears ran down her cheeks and turned her head to see her wife beside her.

"Baby, from now on we can come here anytime you want and go back when we feel like it's okay" Lu Xie wiped her tears gently

An Yu nodded then punched her wife softly, Lu Xie giggled and hugged her pouting cute wife.

"Alright, love birds time to move on," Lu's mother said again

They all went to their house which is a large mansion like their house in the other world. Lu Shu had been giggling along the way and the family laughed at her cuteness.

"Mom what is the business your running" An Yu as they sit in the living room

"Entertainment, technology, and Restaurant, "Lu's mother said

"Cool," An Yu said admiring

She knew that this family has a lot of talent and can do anything.

"Tomorrow, you should go to your school and tell them about your disappearance, you have been missing for 2 years now," Lu's mom said softly

An Yu nodded

"We'll came to pick you up," Lu Xie said softly

"Thank you, honey" An Yu kissed her cheeks


The next day,

An Yu went back to her school and felt a little nostalgic, she used to wear baggy clothes and glasses but now she wore a dress that fitted her body and light make-up.

She noticed students looking at her, but she ignored them and walked toward the principal office. Where she saw her original principal before she disappeared.

"Hello, how may I help you," the old man asked politely

"Hello, I just want to clear out my name for missing for 2 years," An Yu said softly

"Missing! What's your name miss" the old man asked shocked

"An Yu"

The old man suddenly collapsed in his seat and stared at the woman in front of him. Is she even the same person who disappeared 2 years ago?

"My relatives took me away and didn't have time to inform you, please forgive me" An Yu apologized.

"It's fine I'm glad you're fine," the old man said sincerely

An Yu smiled and the old man processed her papers and reported that she had been found.

While she walked into the hallway of the school she noticed some people who used to bully her staring at her.

"Yo look who we have here"

"If it isn't it's An Yu"

"What! Are you serious, that ugly An Yu is her"

"Idiot it is her, I once saw her face and knew it was her"


An Yu stared at them blankly and walked past them.

"This b*tch" as she was about to approach her

"Hey, b*tch look there's a handsome man"

"Holy f*ck"

An Yu didn't bother them and kept walking then she smelled the scent of rose. She subconsciously turned her head and saw her wife... Cut her hair short. And in her arms was their child.

Looking at the people staring at them she felt a little proud, but seeing the people drooling on her wife, especially these bullies her face turned cold.

Lu Xie saw her wife in the distance and showed her a sweet smile, in her arms was Lu Shu obediently looking for her mommy.

"Mommy" Lu Shu pointed in her direction

Lu Xie patted her head and walked in her direction.

"F*ck his approaching me"

"Oh God I'm gonna faint"

"He is so handsome"

"Ahh haha"

"His coming to me b*tches out of the way"

Some girls started pushing each other and saw that his direction was still the same they immediately acted shy and embarrassed.

An Yu was amused by their actions and looked at her wife and child looking only at her. Her lips turned upward and smiled.

"H..hi," the main bully said shyly when he was near


Lu Xie walked past her, stunning the bullies then turns to see.

An Yu grabbed her collar then pulled her closer and kissed her in front of many people. Lu Shu buried her face in her mother's neck shyly.

"Why did you cut your hair?" An Yu asked softly

"Mom told me to cut it since it suits me according to her" Lu Xie said

"Hmmm, it's good" An Yu caresses her cheek and then kisses her daughters cheek.

"Mommy" Lu Shu shouted excitedly and was bouncing up and down in her mother's arms

The people around them were all shocked, An Yu had a smug smile on her lips and stared at her bullies. She took her child in her arms and couldn't stop giggling.

"Baby, let's go now. I'm sure your hungry" Lu Xie held her waist and pulled her closer

An Yu nodded and made their way to their car, she didn't bat an eye at the lost expression of her bullies and left with her family.

**Many years later**

Lu Xie and An Yu had 4 kids in total two girls and two boys, they were always happy and the siblings got along with each other.