Chapter 56: Survive (JEALOUSY) (R-18)

After Lou Zhen took Lu Xie the four heroines went to her courtyard seeing that she's gone they immediately panicked and called the shadow guards watching her.

"Where is our baby?" Mu Linya asked coldly

"Reporting to miss, she was taken by Lou Zhen to the pavilion early morning" the shadow guard bowed kneeling on the ground

Their mood suddenly became gloomy and frightening.

"His becoming more and more bolder now that we are not paying attention to him" Tian Qinlu said coldly her eyes flashed

"Starting from now on, if Lou Zhen came here again without us make sure not to let him take our baby" Gu Wenan ordered demanding

"Yes miss" the shadow guard disappeared

Zhou Meng ticked the corner of her mouth

"How dare he took our baby without permission does he want to die?" Mu Linya had a tick on her head

"Maybe we should teach him a lesson" Gu Wenan smirk viciously

"Good" Tian Qinlu nodded

"He better not touch my baby or I'll cut his hand into pieces" Zhou Meng said coldly

"He dare!!!" Gu Wenan shouted


After Lu Xie and Lou Zhen finished eating he took Lu Xie back to her courtyard, he landed on her door. He still wanted to spend more time with her but he is busy he was sent by the master to subdue a beast.

"Junior sister, how about we go and eat again some time" Lou Zhen scratched his nape shyly

Lu Xie put a fake smile "Okay senior brother" said softly

Lou Zhen smiled and couldn't stop himself he patted her head softly.

"Then I'm going now junior sister see you again" Lou Zhen stepper on his sword and flew away

"Take care" Lu Xie waved her hand

Seeing that he disappeared she immediately went inside her courtyard and sure enough her feeling was right. In front of her are four big beauties looking at her with a frown and obessesiveness in their eyes which is scary.

"S...senior sisters, good morning" Lu Xie smiled and her body trembled

The four noticed her trembling and instantly eased their aura, but their hearts had turned dark.

"Baby, come here" Zhou Meng called her

Lu Xie gulped inwardly and walked toward the small table then sat on her usual position.

"Now then, tell us EVERY DETAIL of what happened when he took you out" Mu Oinya said softly but her eyes were blank and gloomy

Lu Xie felt chills down her spine and told them everything even the holding hands. After telling it she immediately cursed herself she felt the atmosphere turned bad, gloomy and... Scary.

Her heart was beating loudly in her chest trying not to run away.

"That bastard" Gu Wenan whispered while clenching her fist

"Go and make sure to disrupt his mission" Tian Qinlu also whispered in the air

Then the nearby tree moved its leaves like a wind, but Lu Xie knew that it might be the shadow guard who was watching her everyday. Since cctv is easily spotted and can only be placed in one place.

"Baby" Zhou Meng said hoarsely

Lu Xie flinched

"Y...yes" she asked nervously

"From now on, you're not allowed to leave your courtyard unless you're with us, understand" Zhou Meng stared at her very seriously

Lu Xie nodded again and again making her head dizzy, she also doesn't want to spend time with the hero his favotability toward her is insane.

(It's 88)

Like how the heck did his favorability suddenly increase this much, we didn't even have a proper conversation and we only met once for goodness sake.

[Ding! The hero had been watching you from afar ever since his favorability toward you increased in the battle royally]

'That's not watching it's stalking, damn it'


Seeing that their baby nodded obediently they felt a little at ease but the gloomy feeling in their hearts didn't dissipate.

Mu Linya stood up from her seat then walked toward Lu Xie then sat on her lap and kissed her. Lu Xie was stunned for a while then responded.

"Yah, my turn" Tian Qinlu complained

Lu Xie pulled out the kiss then Tian Qinlu cupped her face and also kissed her.

'What the heck is going on with this heroines' she thought confused and kept responding to their kisses

When suddenly she got pulled into her room and was pressed on the bed by the four. She saw the looked in their eyes lust and crazy.

She gulped hard, it's still morning and yet their going to do it.

She saw them each removed their clothes and slowly but temptingly tried to seduce her.. Her eyes watched as their clothes slowly revealed their hot damn bodies.

Lu Xies eyes darkened then she cloned herself three more, that way she can have them all at the same time. The four were shocked when each clone pulled one after the other.

Lu Xie then pulled Zhou Meng, kissed her roughly she can also feel the sensation being transmitted by her clones.

This time she didn't need to hold back and f**k them all the way, Zhou Meng, Tian Qinlu and Gu Wenan were stunned they were pressed on the bed and being the one to receive pleasure.

Mu Linya just went with the flow and soon she was fully naked, she missed her so much that every night she craved for this pleasure. Now she wants it so badly.

Lu Xie felt her brain being stimulated too much pictures the other three bodies are being transmitted to her brain like tide.

She decided to focus on Zhou Meng first then take turns, she sucked her bare breast and nibbled on them lightly. Zhou Meng's body tense and tremble, her breathing got distorted and her eyes had a layer of lust.

Lu Xie really wants to punish her so badly, since in the memory of the original owner she was the one who made her fall into the bottomless pit. So she decided to go rough on her. Her punishment for them is this.

She pulled the kiss, her eyes looking at her with dark eyes, her head traveled down to her cunt then ripped her panties. Pinched her clitoris and licked her lips.

Zhou Meng felt a zapped her eyes widen and her waist arched, a trickle of drool came out the side of her mouth.





Lu Xie saw that she was wet enough she raised her head and looked straight into her eyes then kissed her lips, she positioned her self on the entrance. Not giving her time to realize she pushed in her d**k.

Zhou Meng wrapped her hands around her neck and her legs around her waist. When suddenly she felt something being pushed inside her, she pulled out the kiss looked down and saw a big d**k going inside her.

She didn't have time to recover when the d**k got deeper, and her hymen broke.


Her back arched in pleasure and her eyes were wide open.

Lu Xie groaned in pleasure and breathed heavily, 'Shes so tight'

Then her hips started moving, 'Damn it feels so good' her hips move faster. And piston roughly inside her.


Zhou Meng moaned hard and felt her insides being stretched so much. It felt so good her legs wrapped around her waist tightly not letting go.

Her moans got louder as her cunt kept feeling good, Lu Xie kissed her neck and left some hickeys on them. Then she stopped her movement and removed her d**k.

Zhou Meng was nearing her climax when she stopped she was about to complain when she was flipped around her butt raised in front of her making her see a full view of her cunt.

Lu Xie smiled evilly, then thrust her d**k suddenly inside her cunt, Zhou Meng widden her eyes and reached her delayed climax her head was about to be buried on the pillow when Lu Xie held her shoulder and pulled her up.

Her hands around her head and her other hand was holding the other pinching her clitoris. Lu Xie thrust inside her more and more roughly, she came earlier making it easy for her d**k to move.

Zhou Meng's head went blank and her eyes turned blank all she can feel is the overwhelming pleasure she can't get enough of.

Lu Xie made her brain muddled each time she thrust she was also sending her yang energy to her. Her eyes saw that her senses were losing it she smiled happily then kept thrusting.

A few minutes later, Lu Xie felt the urge to cum so she sped up her pace and thrust hard inside her and released.



Lu Xie cum but she didn't stop and let go of her, Zhou Meng landed on her pillow and gripped the sheets. She just came and yet... She looked back while moaning. She was being pistoned so roughly from behind.

She cum once more before losing consciousness and fell asleep, Lu Xie removed her d** k and looked at the three. Mu Linya was already asleep while Gu Wenan and Tian Qinlu were still being f**ked hard by her clones.

"Aarrggg" Lu Xie moaned she can feel their insides tightening

So she moved toward Gu Wenan, her clone disappeared then thrust her d**k inside her earning a loud moan from her.

Her insides are crazy tight, she held her waist tightly then thrust her faster and faster. Gosh, this may be the best morning ever.

Lu Xie f**ked her hard and rough, Gu Wenan had been cumming non-stop. Her body was tired but wanted more. Lu Xie cum inside her once more before collapsing.

'Now then'

She turned her eyes to Tian Qinlu being fucked from behind and had an evil idea. Her clone removed her d**k then pushed it in her asshole.

Tian Qinlu widden her eyes and was about to stop her when she was pulled up like kneeling on the bed upwards. She saw another Lu Xie came near and kissed her. She wrapped her hand around her neck responding to her kiss.

The clone pushed the d** k in, Tian Qinlu moaned inside her mouth. Lu Xie smiled then rubbed her d**k to her cunt slowly.



Tian Qinlu trembled and moaned inside her mouth.

Lu Xie gripped her buttocks and pushed her d**k inside easily, she can feel the other d**k on the other hole. Making it tight and the pleasure Tian Qinlu felt skyrocketed.

Tian Qinlu was stunned two d**k suddenly filled both her holes, she pulled the kiss and cummed. Her cunt squirted, Lu Xie and her clone both thrust at the same time she can feel Qinlu tremblimg and crying in pleasure.

Tian Qinlu can't believe she is being f**ked on both holes at the same time making her lose her mind.

Lu Xie and the clone kept thrusting hard and rough, Tian Qinlu had nowhere to escape and could only get f**ked by two Lu Xie's.

Lu Xie felt her cunt tightening more and knew she was near, so she and the clone speed up and with one last stroked.



Lu Xie released on both holes filling them completely, Tian Qinlu blacked out after cumming. Her body would twitch time after time then calm down.

Her clone disappeared and took out her d**k, she sat down the bed tiredly. 'That's one hell of exercise' she thought.

Lu Xie each placed the heroines on their spots, she was in the middle of them. She was hugged so she could only sigh and cover them with her quilt and soon fell asleep.
