Chapter 61: Survive (Awake) (R-18) (Finally)

**2 Year's Later**

It's been 2 years since the demon attack and all were well except Lou Zhen who kept trying to rescue Lu Xie from the four heroines but was faced with a hard reality.

He can't defeat them and his cultivation was way far away from them he tried everything and even dual cultivated with other women who have potential but the progress is way too slow.

The four heroines travelled around the world just to find an antidote, for 2 long years they didn't get any useful information. And could only return home.

Back to the house where Lu Xie was sleeping peacefully suddenly.

[Ding! The host body has been cured]

[Ding! Returning the heartbeat]

[Ding! Generating.....]

[Ding! Successful]

Lu Xie's heart beat slowly started beating once more and even louder. But she has yet to regain consciousness

The four heroines had put a lot of protection in the house and no one was allowed near that place, when they suddenly heard an alarm in the house.

They immediately rushed inside to see their baby's body was floating in the air, they all held their breath and slowly approached her.

Then her body was slowly going down, the four all stretched out their hands then Lu Xie's body landed into their arms.

Hearing her breath, heart beat, and her temperature the four all hugged her tightly in their embrace with tears flowing in their cheeks. After so long their baby returned to life.

They all hugged her for a long time as if wanting to stop the time so they can be together, they don't want to let go to make sure their baby has really returned.

The four hugged her body and feeling her temperature they all felt warm after for so long they missed it and even felt sleepy. Slowly they all drifted into sleep.


The next day, Lu Xie felt an unbearable discomfort from her throat that she opened her eyes abruptly turned to the side and p*ked blood but not really blood the color is black than red.

She knocked over a glass of water on the side and the glass shattered loudly as it hit the floor.

Then the door of the room burst. She didn't have time to look over, her body felt like a thousand tons she couldn't move and her body felt weak.

The four heroines were so happy that last night was not a dream, opening their eyes the whole feeling better and looking at their lover. And felt her breathing they were so happy that they cried again.

Then they decided to make some breakfast for their lover, when suddenly.


A loud shattering was heard from the room and immediately rushed inside seeing their lover p*king blood that turned blacked immediately called the healer. They helped her lay on the bed

"Hurry and get the healer here right now!" Tian Qinlu ordered fiercely

The shadow guard nodded and a minute later, he came back with the healer who stopped the poison from spreading last time.

"Check her now" Gu Wenan looked at him coldly

The man sighed hard and checked her pulse and breathed in relief. Then look at the four women behind him

"She's fine, she just let out the impurities in her and the poison in her body is gone" he said calmly

"Okay, you can go now" Mu Linya shoo him away

The man nodded took all his instruments and left.

The four all looked at their lover and wiped the stain on the side of her mouth.

"Baby" Zhou Meng called a little sinister

"You better wake up or else we'll punish you" she continued

But Lu Xie didn't hear it she had her senses closed and heal her body.

When Lu Xie opened her eyes again it was already in the afternoon, she looked around the place and saw no one in the room.

This place is also foreign to her she had never been in this place, she didn't think she was kidnapped since the heroines are keeping an eye on her.

It's most likely she had been kidnapped by the heroines.

"System, show me the favorability of the heroines"


Lu Xie can't believe her eyes the favorability is full but the blackening is also f*cking high.

"Sh*t! What happened? Why did the blackening suddenly rise?" Lu Xie asked hurriedly forgetting the pain and groaned painfully as she clutched her chest

When she was poisoned it was aimed toward her heart so it's a little weak.

[Host, when you closed your eyes in the healing tent, your heart had stopped. The heroines killed all the demons and took you back but locked you in the house where you are now]

"What!? Why did my heart stop?"

[The poison had infiltrated the host heart so the system had to stop the heart to make the poison not to spread even further thus killing the host and blackening the heroines]

Lu Xie was stunned

"How long have I been in a 'dead'"

[2 years]


Lu Xie can't help but shivers in fear the heroines are now blackened and she as their lover will surely be locked. Blackened heroines are scarier than a ghost.

She was busy in her mind when the door of the room opened, Lu Xie was interrupted then looked at the position of the door.

There she saw, four big beauties looking at her with a smile. They all approached her slowly then put the food to the side.

"Baby, how are you" Zhou Meng asked softly but her eyes are looking at her crazily

Lu Xie shuddered and replied a little weak and hoarse "Not so good"

"Why? Is the baby feeling hurt anywhere" Gu Wenan hurriedly asked worriedly

"Here" Lu Xie pointed at her heart

The four all thought she was teasing them and chuckled softly.

"Then we should heal our baby, yes" Tuan Qinlu kissed her cheeks lovingly

Lu Xie knew they had misunderstood but smiled sweetly, her smile that always shines brightly in their world returned and won't let it leave their side anymore.

"Baby," Mu Linya called hoarsely

Lu Xie saw the look in their eyes and knew what would happen.

"Wa---" she didn't have time to speak when her mouth was sealed with a kiss

'System, help me' Lu Xue hurriedly called in her kind

[Dont worry host, I'll give your body a boost]

'No' Lu Xie screamed in her mind

She didn't have the strength to fight them, her body has yet recovered from 2 years of sleeping. The four made their way with her.

'Woo woo woo' she cried in her mind

Her clothes were ripped apart and the four heroines also took off their clothes they couldn't wait any longer they missed her so much that they felt like going crazy.

Lu Xie moaned in pain and pleasure, her d**k got stroked and her mouth was sealed with a kiss. Linya was so eager she positioned the d**k in her entrance and swallowed the d**k.


Linya moaned in delight, she squirted the moment the d**k hit her sensitive part. She slowly moved her hips up and down while moaning loudly.

Lu Xie groaned when a cunt was placed in her face she greedily licked her cunt and put her tongue inside her. Qinlu grinds her hips with the same rhythm of her lover's tongue.

Wenan and Meng played with themselves while watching. Lu Xie felt her body gain some strength it might be injected by the system.

So she thrust her hips hard Linya's cunt.


Linya got shocked her body trembled and cummed hard.


Qinlu also cummed in her face, after cumming they got off her and it was Wenan and Mengs turn. Lu Xie refuse to be a bottom and wanted to punish this horny women she was still wounded and yet they craved her.

She was pissed, raised her body pushed Wenan on the bed and made Meng be on top of Wenan. Positioned her d**k in her cunt while a small black hole appeared on Mengs cunt.

Lu Xie gripped both their hips and thrust in one go.



Their body tensed and cummed a little the d**k hit their sensitive spot hard, Lu Xie then started to move her hips in and out on their cunt.



The smacking of their private parts resonated in the room, Linya and Qinlu gulped of what they saw. Then Lu Xie looked at them her eyes were dark and chilling.

"Come here" She ordered

Linya and Qinlu approached her and lay on top of each other like Wenan and Meng. A small black hole appeared on their cunt and just like that a d**k pierced through their cunt.

Lu Xie can now feel four cunt squeezing her d**k dry she groaned in pleasure and continued to thrust her hips faster. The heroines moaned loudly in the room, they were driven by pleasure.

Then Lu Xie felt she was about to cum her d**k bulged inside the womens cunt making it bigger.

"Aahh...haa...too...ahhh...big" Meng moaned

Lu Xie smirked and thrust one last time.





They all cum together, while Lu Xie released the hot stuff inside their womb filling it full. She caught her breath and felt her body heavy She collapsed on the bed and passed out.


For the next few days, Lu Xie had been training her body and trying to walk since her body had been laying in bed for 2 years.

But she has always been watched by the four heroines or by shadow guards if they are not in the house. Thankfully they didn't restrict her and just let her roam around the house.

Though she is not allowed to leave the house there were a few strong cultivators around the place she could only sigh hard and was slowly walking around the garden.

Lu Xie sat down on the fountain in the center of the garden, she touched the water then stared at the small disturbance in the water.

She smiled softly, then took out her hand. She focused her spiritual fire in her hand then imagined an image, in her hand the ball of fire started to change.

The fire changed into a human shape, four women figures appeared in her hand, slowly she opened her eyes and her eyes turned cresent in happiness. This was seen by the four who were out, they had put a video talisman in the place so they could see her properly.

Seeing the figure in her hand the four heroines felt sweet in their hearts, their expression softened as they watched her play with the figures in her hand.

It was like a small mannequin figure, she poked and said sweet words that she missed them. They can't help but want to go to their baby.

They instantly put down their work and immediately flew toward their house and saw her stroking the heads of the figure.

"Why are you all leaving me alone for a long time? I'm lonely. I want to go out to see you but the guards won't let me. Boo" Lu Xie complains to the figure in her hand

Hearing her complaints the four giggled at her and slowly moved toward her.

"I miss you" Lu Xie whispered as if longing

Then suddenly she was hugged tightly from behind and was stunned to see the four heroines looking at her with teary eyes.

"Baby," Mu Linya called warmly

Lu Xie just smiled embarrassed they might have heard her, but she just kissed their cheeks and welcomed them home.

"Hehehee my wish came true" Lu Xie said like a child who had been bought with a candy

"You sure did" Gu Wenan patted her head softly

"Then did you all have lunch?" Lu Xie asked with a raised eyebrow

They all shook their heads, Lu Xie smiled brightly then instantly kissed their cheeks then headed toward the kitchen.

Lu Xie was sad that she didn't walk for days and wanted to lower their blackening, so now is her chance. She made their favorite food and also desserts.

As long as she shows her smile and usual self to them like before the blackening value decreased significantly but she is not allowed to leave their side.

Even when she goes out she has to be with them or they will not let her go again.

One day, while walking a haggard man suddenly stopped in front of us with both of his hands stretching out on both sides.

He looked so thin and his beard was not trimmed making him look old, Lu Xie frowned when she was pulled behind and was embraced.

Lou Zhen looked at Lu Xie as if he had seen an angel the person he likes came back to life, when he heard about the rumors that she had come back to life. He didn't believe it at first then today he actually saw her.

His heart throbs and anxiously runs toward her not taking his eyes off her or she'll disappear in any moment. He wanted to hug her when she was pulled and hugged.

His eyes were bloodshot looking at the four women who used to fight over him but now they all wanted to keep his future away from him.

"Let her go" Lou Zhen said gritting his teeth

"In your dreams" Tian Qinlu sneered

"Junior sister, don't you remember me" Lou Zhen switches his attention if he can convince her then she will naturally come to him willingly

Lu Xie looked at him and frowned she didn't recognize him and asked curiously "Who are you?"

Lou Zhen was stunned and looked at her with a hurt expression "Junior sister did you forget about your senior brother" he said a little uncomfortable

Lu Xie widened her eyes and was stunned the handsome and elite hero had become haggard and... Weak.

She stared at him for a while then glanced at the four heroines they were looking at the hero with disgust and hatred.

"S... Senior brother Lou" Lu Xie said a little weak

Hearing her call his name felt more and more certain to take her away from them.

"Junior sister, come to senior brother you're not safe with them" Lou Zhen said softly

'Your the one I'm not safe with. F*ck why did his favorability reached almost full' Lu Xie shouted inwardly

"What do you mean senior brother?" Lu Xie asked pretending

"They are lying to you junior sister, came here I'll keep you safe" Lou Zhen stretched out his hand to her

"Senior brother, I'm sorry but I won't go with you" Lu Xie said seriously

"W... What?" Lou Zhen was stunned he didn't think she would have refused him

The four heroines watched without interrupting they knew he would try to take their lover but he didn't have any chance of their baby since the beginning She belonged to them.

"They're lying to you and you still want to follow them" Lou Zhen said paranoid

Lu Xie frowned "Why would I follow them? They are my lovers" she said curiously

Lou Zhen heard what she said and his heart felt as if it had been dropped by an anvil. Then knelt down with a lost expression

The four didn't mind him and took their lover away from him.

"Baby, in the future don't ever be alone with him okay" Zhou Meng said softly while threatening

"Okay, honey" Lu Xie smiled sweetly


Years passed and the five were living happily but also 4 years before the four heroines wanted to have their lover's child.

Lu Xie did what they wanted and had four beautiful daughters she spoiled and even gave them the jewels she found in the lost city.

She had always been fond of her daughters which made her lovers jealous and vented on her every night. Her daughters grew up like their mothers beautiful and charming.

While Lou Zhen was thrown into the wild by the people he had offended when he was under the four elders before. But when he lost his support they all returned to him what he did to them.

(A/N: Finally another chapter done hehe)