Chapter 63: Substitute

Shuna arrived at her company, her secretary started to report her schedule for the day.

"At 3:00 pm you have a meeting with Mr. Henry the CEO of Henry's merchandise. And also miss we have a problem with the budget regarding our next cooperation with Ms. Eulia." The Secretary said seriously

"What!? Why did the budget have a problem " Shuna asked angrily

"Call Lu Xie here" she ordered

"Yes miss" the Secretary called the finance department


Lu Xie was typing when she heard the company phone ring, she answered it.

"Hello, this is the finance department"

"Miss Lu Xie the president called for you to go to her office," the secretary said firmly

"I understand I'll come right away," Lu Xie said lightly then put the phone back took the papers she prepared earlier, and left her office

"Good morning miss Lu Xie" a staff greeted happily

"Good morning" Lu Xie nodded then stepped inside the elevator


Lu Xie walked straight into a hallway and knocked on the door made of a mahogany tree.



"Come in" a familiar cold voice resonate from inside

Lu Xie twisted the knob and stepped in, Shuna and her secretary waiting for her. She calmly stepped inside and bowed slightly.

Shuna was slightly shocked to see her outfit and temperament, usually, she would be shy or a bit timid when facing her but now.

"Does the president want to hear why the budget this month had a problem?" Lu Xie said directly

Shuna was startled but her face remained the same and nodded.

"Okay, please allow me to elaborate. 5 million was spent on the Prime hotel for an exclusive party on Sep 12. 2 million was spent on buying 999 roses to shower in the SGH Mall on Feb. 14. 10 million was spent on a vacation beach in City S on March 25 and 3 million was spent to reserve an exclusive restaurant just now. Making a total of 20 million that's been taken away." Lu Xie read the expenses in the paper loud and clear

Shuna's face turned colder and colder as she listened, both hands clasped together in front of her face. Lu Xie finished reading the papers and placed them on the table.

"This is the budget for this month and the money that had been spent," Lu Xie said lightly

Shuna took the paper and stared at it coldly.

"You can go," Shuna said with an unexplained face

Lu Xie nodded and turned her back on her, then left. Shuna felt a little lost looking at her back she would always look behind her or sneak a peek at her. Now she decisively turned her back and didn't look back.

"Miss," the secretary said a little worried

"Nothing, you can go. I'll deal with it" Shuna shoo her away

The secretary nodded and also left. Shuna slammed her back on her chair and massaged her temples she had been busy chasing Eulia the moment she returned.

Eulia was her white moonlight, she first met her when they were in their first year of high school. She had been very cold at that time and no one wanted to be friends with her. She was okay with it until she met Eulia a transfer student from abroad.

Shuna is enchanted by her beauty, her heart started to beat like never before. Her figure brought light to her cold and gloomy world. At first, she resisted but she couldn't help it her heart was racing wildly every time she saw her.

Her eyes would always look for her figure, til one day she had the chance to speak with her and got acquainted. Shuna confessed but was rejected that was the first time she felt heartache then she met Lu Xie who the same day confessed to her and rejected her.

She had been chasing Eulia for a long time, people told her to stop there will be no results. But she persisted she believed that one day they would be together, when Eulia left the country she felt her heart was heavy.

Then when Lu Xie joined the company she immediately approached her and got together with her, she looked a bit like Eulia so she wants to keep her for a while.

For a year and a half, Lu Xie had tried every means to get close to her. She resisted everything she wants to do til she stop and just wait for her.

Shuna sighed hard and looked at the piled papers on her desk, she sit up straight and started to work.


Lu Xie went out of the office and stepped out of the company, it was already lunched time. It's time for lunch, usually, the original owner would pack herself some lunch to save more money.

Stop a taxi and went to the hospital, the original owner's only surviving family her mother was hospitalized from overworking.

"Uncle, please stop for a while I'll just go grab something," Lu Xie said a bit hurrying the driver nodded

Lu Xie went and bought some food and fruit desserts then returned to the taxi. The driver accelerated toward the hospital.

The original owner's father had an accident when she was young and passed away, her mother was the one who brought her up. She would go work in different jobs every day to make mets end and send her to a proper school.

Until her body can't take anymore and collapsed when she was at work the original owner just graduated and had found a job at that time so she immediately made her mother rest and let her take care of her next.

Lu Xie paid for the taxi and then entered the hospital she went to the second floor and opened a door.

"I'm back," Lu Xie said softly

"Axie," a woman sitting on the bed with a wrinkled face said with a bright smile

"How are you mom" Lu Xie smiled softly as she approached her

"Better than before" the woman showed her muscles

Lu Xie laughed and raised the food she bought.

"Let's go outside mom and I want to eat lunch with you" Lu Xie held her wrinkled hand

"Then let's go" the woman smiled

Lu Xie lift the quilt and then easily lift her mother from the bed and placed her in the wheelchair.

"My child has gone stronger again" Lu's mom praised

"Hahaha of course I got it from you" Lu Xie pushed the wheelchair out of the room while carrying the food she got

Lu Xie pushed her mother into a nice garden at the back of the hospital, they went to the shaded part. Then locked the wheelchair and sat down beside her mom, taking out the lunch box and desserts.

"Oh my, you bought too many my child," Lu's mom said a little worried

"Don't worry mom, it's not much. I don't like eating the hospital food it's making me nauseous" Lu Xie pouted aggrieved

Lu's mom laughed at her daughter's cuteness, and pinch her cheeks. Lu Xie smiled and opened the lunch box

"Let's eat mom" Lu Xie put a spoon on the lunch box lu mom nodded

They both eat lunch while talking and laughing at the same time. Lu Xie felt the warmth of having a mother for a long time.

In another place

"Mom, let's go out. You have been stuck in this room for a long time, it's time for you to bask in the sun" a girl said complaining

"*sigh* Okay fine" a woman in bed agreed she can't stop her daughter's stubbornness

The girl nodded happily and help her mom in a wheelchair she happily took her out of the VIP room and went to the garden.

There were a lot of other patients there, they sat beside a pair of daughters and a mother. Who are laughing and talking, she locked her wheelchair and bask in the sun.

"Eulia, how is the company," the woman asked softly

Eulia smiled slightly she had been very annoyed by that woman, and she pestered her every time.

"It's fine mom everything was good," Eulia said with a happy expression

"Be sure to rest and don't overwork yourself" her mom urged

"Yes, I understand mom" Eulia felt the warmth

Then she heard a burst of laughter beside her. Eulias mom looked behind who are laughing and saw the patient. Her eyes brighten and called

"Mrs. Lu" Eulias mom called

Lu's mom looked in front when she heard her name, "Mrs. Jian" Lu's mom said softly

Eulia looked behind her and saw a petite woman wearing casual clothes with black-rimmed glasses. Lu Xie also looked at them and nodded as a greeting.

"It's been a while, is this your daughter that you told me about," Eulias mom said

"Oh yes, this is my daughter Lu Xie" Lu's mom held her daughter's hand

"Oh they are the same age as my daughter, this is my daughter Jian Eulia" Eulias mom held her daughter's hand too.

"Hello" Eulia greeted first

"Hello" Lu Xie nodded

"How have you been recent" Lu's mom

"It's much better now but my daughter insists on making me stay here" Eulia's mom laughed heartfully

"I also thought the same" Lu's mom said laughing

They both look at their daughter and they look good together, they both smiled a little evil.

Lu Xie saw their look and smiled obediently, Eulia had goosebumps but a good one she glanced at the woman beside her and saw her gentle look on her mother. Such a person can have that look too, at first she thought she was very cold but looking at her now.

People like her also had someone they cherished. Lu Xie saw that they were busy talking she knelt on the ground and took out an ointment then gently pick her mom's legs and started massaging them.

"Baby, it's okay my legs are now fine you don't have to massage them every time," Lu's mom said softly

"You say that every time but I know you have secretly kneed them yourself" Lu Xie looked at her mom angrily but cute

"Ahhh, so cute" Lu's mom pinched her daughter's cheeks

"Woo, mom my cheeks hurt" Lu Xie complained softly

Lu's mom laughed lovingly and caress her cheeks.

"My such a filial child" Eulias mom praised

Lu Xie just smiled and kneed it while pressing her muscles to relax so she can walk again. After she massage both legs she stood on the ground.

"Auntie does your legs also hurt," Lu Xie asked Eulias mom

"Well that's one of the reasons why I'm stuck in a wheelchair the doctors don't know what's wrong until now" Eulias mom sighed

"Then please excuse me" Lu Xie knelt and touch her legs put some ointment and massage it

"Oh my, your hands are good at massaging" Elias's mom patted her head

"I used to massage mom's legs back when she got home but she is very stubborn. Why are old people so stubborn aish" Lu Xie said complaining but why does it feel so cute

"Ahh your right your daughter is so cute" Eulias mom also pinched her cheeks

"Woo woo my cheeks" Lu Xie looked at Eulia for help her eyes were aggrieved