Chapter 68: Substitute

The next day was Friday,

So Lu Xie went to the president's room.



"Come in," a cold voice said inside

Lu Xie twisted the knob and stepped in, Shuna raised her head and saw the person came in then out of nowhere she felt happy and her heart started to beat fast.

"Miss, I'm here to ask for a leave for a whole week next week," Lu Xie said politely

Shuna felt uncomfortable about her address but kept calm "Okay, just send an email to my secretary" her voice soften a little

Lu Xie nodded and turned to leave. Shuna was stunned 'That's it' she thought and wanted to stop her only to be shut up by the closing door.

Shuna felt like she was going crazy. How can she feel that way when she sees her? Does she like her? If so, then when did it start? What did I like about her? Was it because I got used to her company?

A lot of questions pop up in her mind one after the other and was very confused but she can't deny what she felt earlier. The same feeling when she met her white moonlight.

'Shuna what is going on with you!!' she thought scolding herself


Lu Xie finished work early, so she and her mom can discharge her from the hospital and also pack their clothes.

The original owner didn't tell her mom that she had been living with Shuna for almost a year and a half she was scared her mother would not accept her, hid it.

After she pack her things, she uploaded the 5 chapters she had finished in her new novel book. She's going to check it when she has time, look at the watch on her wrist then left.

She arrived at the hospital and proceeded with the discharge procedure.

"Axie" a voice called from behind

Lu Xie turned her head, and her mom, Mrs. Jian, and Eulia were walking toward her she took the bag from her mom and carried it.

"Baby, it's okay I can carry it" Lu's mom was about to take it

"No, you're still recovering and the doctor said you're not allowed to carry heavy things" Lu Xie dodge her hand

"But it's only a few clothes, how can it be heavy" Lu's mumbled which was heard by Eulia

Eulia laughed in a low tone and pushed her mom's wheelchair toward them.

"Everything is done now, tomorrow we'll come to your house to pick you both up," Mrs. Jian said softly

"Okay Auntie, see you tomorrow Eulia" Lu Xie smiled showing her white row of teeth

Eulia stared at her back as she and her mom disappear from the car going away. Mrs. Jian noticed her daughter's eyes following the car disappear from their sight and giggled lightly.

"Haa... It's nice to be young" Mrs. Jian said suddenly

Eulia snapped out her senses and looked at her mom she felt that the word she said had meaning.

Seeing that she did not understand her meaning she just simply smile and didn't speak.

Eulia pouted "What do mean by that mom?" she whined

"You'll know one day," Mrs. Jian said mysteriously

"Boo" Eulia pouted and pushed her mom toward their car.


The next day,

Lu Xie and her mom waited outside their apartment which is quite a bit far from the center of the city, while waiting Lu Xie was busy typing on her computer she won't waste a time not to encode if she is not doing anything.



The sound of a beeping car caught the two's attention, turning their heads to the sound they saw a luxury black car.

It stop by their side and the car window rolled down.

"Axie Auntie, good morning" Eulia greeted with a smile

"Good morning" Lu's mom greeted back

Lu Xie helped the driver put their baggage into the trunk of the door and then sit beside Eulia on the side. The car was spacious and the chair are like that in a limousine. The seat was like a circle seated.

Eulia suddenly felt nervous for some reason when Lu Xie sat beside her, she smell the pleasant scent of rose on her it was not heavy nor sickening but smelled light and comforting.

Lu Xie didn't know what the person beside her is thinking but opened her laptop and continue to encode in her laptop. When she posted the 5 chapters in her new novel website she gains another butch of readers and was praising her.

"Baby, I thought you won't work now," Lu's mom said a little sad

"I'm not working mom, I'm just encoding some more chapters for my new novel," Lu Xie said simply without looking her fingers were typing fast that it makes one dizzy from looking

"Really! Then I can read your novel?" Eulia said a little excited

"Sure, why not. Just install the *** app and search for AxieLu it will appear and you can see any notes about my new novel if you follow" Lu Xie smiled

"Okay, thank you" Eulia nodded took out her phone, install the app then search for her name

Her profile pic. was so cute it was a cute white rabbit she chuckled a little. Then looking at the interface she saw two novels but the other was dropped and a new one was serialized.

Eulia clicked on the new novel and saw 5 chapters updated she then sat comfortably and read the first chapter of the novel.

The two elders were talking about random things while the two younglings were busy doing their own business.

The car drove steadily, going to their destination. Lu Xie had already finished more than 20 chapters pending to be updated.

[Host, your novel had been noticed by a famous producer] the system prompt


[Mr. Zhou Lee]

'F*ck, don't accept it. Find another producer'

[Okay host] The system chuckled

'Oh right, I keep forgetting. I didn't give you a name yet so how about I name you now'

[Okay host] the system sounded very excited

'Hmm, let's see you're name shall be... Ali'

[Ali, I like it host] Ali cheered happily

'Glad you like it. By the way, how was the investigation of the ML doing?'

[Dont worry host, the ML is not yet in City S, it is estimated that he will come about 2-3 months from now]

'I see, *sigh* that's good I should have a foundation before he comes'

[Host, don't you want to know what is Eulia, Shuna, and Zhou Lee's characters in the world]

'No thanks, I don't care who they are as long as they don't interfere with my personal life

[Okay] the system laughed inwardly oh she can't wait for the look on her face when she knew

Lu Xie continued to encode seriously, after she felt satisfied with how many she had done she updated another 5 chapters of the story.

"Waaahhh, an update," Eulia said excited then her eyes look at the person beside her giggling her face turned red instantly

"You're that excited, but I'm glad you like my novel" Lu Xie smiled her eyes squinching a little

"I... I really like it, the story was written perfectly and the characters feel like they are alive" Eulia covers her face with her phone only showing her eyes

"I'm happy you're having fun" Lu Xie put on a killer smile unconsciously

Eulia felt like the world stopped a second, her heart skipped a beat and she saw that she looked like she was shining like an angel.

Mrs. Jian and Lu's mom smirked watching their conversation.

"I root for your daughter to be my daughters lover" Mrs. Jian whispered

"Me too, I like her for my daughter" Lu's mom also whispered back

They look at each other with meaningful smiles then both smirk creepily.

Eulia and Lu Xie felt a shiver down their spine and looked at each other confused.

"Madam we have arrived," the driver said then the car stopped

Lu Xie came out first then took out two wheelchairs from the trunk, then helped the two elders to their wheelchairs. Eulia watched from the side, with a sweet smile on her lips.

The driver took out all the baggage in the trunk and then carry them toward the house, while Eulia and Lu Xie pushed their mom following the driver toward the house.

The house was a nice bungalow house, with a large living room a small gym, two bedrooms, and two bathrooms. The two elders glanced at each other.

"Oya, there are only two rooms so how about you two share a room, and I and Lu's mom will take this room? Cha cha" Mrs. Jian and Lu's mom immediately went to the other room without waiting for them to speak

Eulia was dumbfounded and felt nervous her hands were sweating holding her baggage in her hand. Lu Xie took her baggage and saw that Eulia was not moving.

'Is she tired?' Lu Xie thought

"Come let's go to the room and rest you seem tired," Lu Xie said softly then took her baggage and enter the room with the door opened

Eulia snapped out her senses and followed her nervously not knowing what to do, then she saw her putting our clothes in the drawers I was about to stop her when she had already finished fixing our clothes.

"T...thank you," Eulia said in a low voice

"It's fine, how about you rest for a while I'm just going to encode more" Lu Xie then sat on the right side of the bed

Eulia gulped and lay on the left side of the bed, her heart was beating loudly and fast in her chest she can't calm down.