Chapter 70: Substitute (Picnic)

Eulia and Lu Xie got to know each other, and more or less get what they like or what they are interested in.

In the morning, Lu Xie woke up first and prepared breakfast along with the food they will eat at the picnic later when they go out.


She heard the door open then looked up and saw her little lover pouting at her, she had the urge to pinch her cheeks badly.

"Why did you leave me in the room alone," Eulia said aggrieved then approached her and buried herself in her arms

Lu Xie chuckled while hugging her and kissing her forehead since last night Eulia had been acting like a baby and asking to be real lovers if she didn't she'll cry so she compromised.

"Sorry darling, I just wanted to make some breakfast and our food for later" Lu Xie explained softly

"Boo but I want to wake up in your arms every morning" Eulia whined like a child

Lu Xie shook her head "Okay I won't do it again, I'm sorry" she apologized gently

Eulia raises her head and then pouts on her lips as if asking for a kiss. Lu Xie pinched her cheeks, caressed then lowered her head and kissed her pouty lips.

Her lips were soft, sweet, and addicting. Last night when they kissed she asked her lover to kiss her more, she's a good kisser by the way. Eulia smiled while wrapping her arms around her neck pulling her closer.

"AHEM!!" A fake cough sounded at the kitchen door

The two pulled out then both turned their heads toward the door at the same time.

"Sorry for disturbing you love birds but we're hungry now and it's a nice day to go out and walk" Mrs. Jian smirked playfully

"I did not know my daughter is this aggressive" Mrs. Jian added

Making Eulia blush and bury her face in her lover's chest. The two elders giggled while Lu Xie patted her head and then pulled the hug.

Eulia helped her with the dishes and served them at the dining table.

After eating, Lu Xie packed their food and other materials needed for a picnic. She was planning on having barbeque so she marinated some chicken and beef for later.

Then changed her clothes into more appropriate clothes for a picnic, she wore white shorts that didn't reach her knees, a black polo, and a thin white jacket.

While Eulia wore a nice summer dress that reached her knees and showed the curves in her body. Got to say she had all the curves in the right places, Lu Xie was already checking her out.

Maybe her stare was too hot, but the little lover felt it and saw her checking her out she smiled widely and proudly she was glad that she maintained her body.

"Honey, how is it?" Eulia asked softly and twirled around in front of her lover

"Very beautiful and sexy" Lu Xie complimented honestly

Eulia's smile grew wider, her face had a blush, and put on a very sweet smile. Approached her then wrapped her arms around her neck "Axie, I love you" she whispered lovingly but very clearly to be heard in their distance

"I'm starting to love you too," Lu Xie said honestly she like how she acts spoiled and like a baby to her

Every time she smiles and hugs her heart would race fast in her chest and feel very warm.

"I'm glad, I'll make sure to make you love me more" Eulia kissed her cheeks lovingly her eyes showed a glint but disappeared after a second

Lu Xie didn't see it and chuckled "Let's go, I'm sure mom and auntie are waiting outside" then intertwined her fingers with hers

Eulia hugged her arm while holding her hand, then they both walked out of their room.

"Oh looks like you're both done, come on let's go" Lu's mom stood up and walked slowly toward the door together with Mara. Jian

Lu Xie holds her lover's hand in one hand while on the other hand, she holds their things for the picnic.

Outside the house,

There was like a carriage with only the hood intact, and instead of a horse to pull there were two mountain bikes on the front and it was attached to the carriage.

"Alright you two will pedal, it's nice to go on a bike this time" Mrs. Jian sat down on the seat followed by Lu's mom

"Then mom hold this" Lu Xie passed the basket to her mom and put the other things on the carriage near their feet

Eulia sat on one of the bikes and then fixed her dress thankfully she wore light shorts. Lu Xie also sat down on the other side.

"Okay all set" Lu Xie asked

"Ready, let's go" Eulia raised her hand excitedly

Lu Xie giggled then both of them started to pedal the bike, slowly they moved forward. The carriage was not heavy so they could easily pull it with the bikes.

The road was paved so they won't have to worry about the carriage being unstable. The wind blew past them, the scenery was beautiful and the green grass swayed with the breeze.

It was peaceful and calming a perfect place for a nice vacation and to spend time with family.

"This place is so beautiful," Lu's mom said in awe

"Right, this is a nice place to live isn't it" Mrs. Jian added

"I agree, if it were me I'll spend the rest of my life here" Lu's mom nodded in agreement

While the elders are talking, Eulia keeps stealing glances at her lover no matter where she looks her lover is simply gorgeous.

It was like she was memorizing every angle of her face and body in her mind. Most of the time when they didn't get together yet she would sit in a daze and her image would appear in her mind.

Like she was hypnotized by her spell and can't get out of her head, then she started to get addicted as days seeing her in the hospital.

Nevertheless, the carriage kept moving, Lu Xie was relaxing she did not know what her little lover was thinking about her.

A few minutes later, they arrived at the spot. It was a flat land with grass and flowers and a single large tree stands out the most.

The tree was a sakura tree with pink leaves.

Lu Xie and Eulia parked the carriage just a few steps from the tree this is where they will have a picnic. The two elderly went down first with the basket and other things they needed.

Lu Xie put the stopper on the carriage and locked the bike in place, then followed them with her lover who won't leave her side.

Then took a mat and spread it on the ground, the mat was made of silk and cotton so they will be comfortable when sitting and laying down.

After setting the mat, she took out a folding small table and set it on the side for later then put the basket on top of the small table.

"This is a nice place, don't you think so honey" Eulia sat beside her and rested her head on her shoulder

"Well it's very beautiful" Lu Xie nodded

This place also had a small river on the right a few steps away from their picnic place. It may be quiet and there's nothing to do but the two elders are already laying down and talking about random staff.

"Darling, how are you? Are you tired?" Lu Xie asked softly

Eulia nodded "En, my legs are numb" she pouted

Lu Xie giggled and kissed her cheeks she's so cute, then put both her legs on her lap and started to massage them gently.

Eulia can't stop smiling watching her lover massage her legs, this is the first time she allowed anyone to touch her like this. Except for her parents, since her legs are very ticklish surprisingly when her lover started to massage her it didn't tickle.

"Are you wondering why you didn't get ticked?" Lu Xie asked softly

Eulia nodded like a baby.

"It's because I acupuncture your legs so they can relax and won't feel ticklish" Lu Xie explained

"Waah, my baby is so talented," Eulia said awe

Since young, she had been called a girl with talents, since she can learn anything that interests her. But compared to her, her lover seemed to be more talented than her she even made her mom walk, she knew acupuncture, cook delicious food, and was a very talented writer.

Or maybe she is still hiding more of her talents.

Lu Xie just smiled at her compliment, then finished massaging her legs.

"Darling, I'll go prepare the barbecue so we can start cooking," Lu Xie said as if asking for permission

Eulia nodded and pouted a little, Lu Xie get what she meant and then kissed her lips and stood up. The little lover grinned ear to ear like there was no tomorrow.

"Ahh, it's nice to be young" Mrs. Jian whispered

"I envy them woo woo" Lu's mom cried without tears

"Let's just leave them be, I'm glad they are serious about this 1 month's trial" Mrs. Jian closed her eyes

"Hmm, I'm also happy that they are getting just fine I hope at the end of the month they are together" Lu's mom also closed her eyes and felt the breeze of the wind



Shuna was rubbing her aching temple, yesterday she met with Zhou Lee and her fist can't wait to punch his face.

He got the guts to mock her and show her face that he liked Lu Xie. She almost smashed the cup on his head thankfully she stopped herself and acted calm.

"Miss, you have a meeting with the board at 1: 00 am today" the secretary report

"*sigh* Go call Lu Xie to join me in the meeting today" Shuna tried to act calm when she mentioned her name

"Miss did you forget, Miss Lu Xie asked for a leave in a week," the secretary said confuser

Shuna then remembered that she agreed for her to take a leave, she sighed heavily and waved her hand at the secretary who had gone out.

"This is making me crazy" she muttered

Took a pen and then started to get herself busy, until she heard...


Her stomach growled, and her fingers touch the telephone to call the secretary.

"Yes miss" the secretary answered

"Go get me some sandwiches and a fruit shake" Shuna ordered

"Okay miss" the secretary dropped the call and then went to take her orders

A few minutes later,

Her food arrived while she was working she held the other hand with food while the other was signing and writing. Took a bite of the sandwich.

'Lu Xie's sandwich is much more delicious' she thought but continue devouring

When she realized what she thought she stopped for a second and then continue eating, usually she just eats the food she made without speaking but she knew that it was really good.

Now she's missing it.

She felt a little sad that she won't be eating her craft anymore, and she won't have anyone to take care of her anymore.

This made her feel very unbearable.