Chapter 77: Orc Lord and the General

(A/N: This is a suggestion by one of my readers who commented on my past chapters. So here I did it)

In the kingdom of Velos, where reigned a generous and kind monarch. The kingdom was in peace for many decades, the economy was good and the people were happy.

This is a world of swords and magic.

Everything was peaceful until the year when the two moons collided in the sky a dimension broke out distorting space and time.

Monsters of all kinds poured out of the crack, killing innocent people and destroying the peace for decades in just a few minutes.

The king had ordered all soldiers and generals to fight against this monster, but the humans were able to push them back just a bit.

This was the beginning of the unending war between humans and monsters.

In the year 5090, the war had brought so much damage to both sides thus the king and the leader of the monsters came up with an agreement. But that is another story.

For the past 4 years after the war cease, peace returned but not for long another war destroyed the agreement. When humans are losing bit by bit, a man rises to power and went to the battlefield with only a cheap sword and a cheap horse.

He was able to slay a monster far stronger than him which earned him a general rank in the army and a duke title. All generations that were born in the family were destined to be a general be it a man or a woman.

Time passed and the war once more cease but the humans were not ideal and trained soldiers to prepare for another war.


[Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task]

[The cost received a total of 3,000 points.]

[Host, how about let's level up the world]

"Level up??"

[Level up means we level up the difficulty of the world the higher the difficulty the harder the objectives and also some of the systems function will be disabled]

"What is our current level"

[Rank 6 host, still it's an easy part for you so how about we level up]

"Fine by me. Oh, how many level are there"

[You can reach until rank 10 is the maximum]

"I see for now give me Rank 8"

[Are you sure host]


[Okay, setting difficulty.....]


[Then let go the world]



[Host, how are you feeling?] Ali asked

Lu Xie groaned, as she rise her body on a soft bed stretch her limbs, and looked around. It room was spacious and luxurious, she was laying on a king-size mattress.

Her eyes blinked rapidly and rubbed slightly her vision was a little blurry and uncomfortable.

She got out of bed, then went to the bathroom she saw her look in the mirror and her eyes widen in shock and horror.


[Host, calm down and you'll know when I will transfer the plot] Ali said trying to calm her down

Lu Xie panicked why, why is her face like this? She took a deep breath and then calm herself her hands gripping the edge of the sink, then washed her face, and took a quick shower before getting changed into new clothes.

"Pass me the plot Ali I'm gonna find out who made my face like this" Lu Xie sat down on the edge of the bed in anger

[Ding! Transferring plot...]

This is a story about two orcs who fell in love with each other, the other was an orc general while the other was an orc, Lord.

Two with the same species but different ranks, it was not easy. With the war ongoing, ML was also sent to battle where he began to have high ambitions.

He saw the other world in the dimensional crack a world where swords and magic are, he wanted to dominate both this realm but to do that he needs power.

With the help of the ML halo and his luck his power rise by leaps and bonds. But he was still unable to dominate the realms he needed to be an orc lord.

The ML was ruthless to get what he wants he did something unimaginable.

'Tsk, why does every world I go has to have this kind of ML'

[I have no idea ask the author]

(A/N: Don't know it just came to mind)

[As she said]


Lu Xie then looked at the original owner's plot.

The original owner was the daughter of the second-in-command general of the army Duke Lu. Since she was young she had always wanted to go to war with her father, so she trained until she can't walk and her body was sore.

She had always admired her father to the point where she almost worshipped him like a god. By, pushing herself to the limit she was able to become the youngest general just under the 1st commander Lucas.

The original owner made a lot of contributions to the army and was expecting to be promoted to replace Lucas the first commander but Lucas was jealous of her. On the day, they returned to the kingdom after fighting, he invited her to drink.

She agreed then both went to drink but what she did not expect was that Lucas ordered someone to pour acid on her face. They were sitting near the bartender and did not notice a person upstairs pouring acid on her.

The original owner was a little lucky her face didn't dissolve but got badly hurt, Lucas didn't get caught because he already made a plan.

Since then the original owner had a hard time adapting to her current situation, both her face and eyes were destroyed. No healer can heal the damage to her eyes that she turned blind.

Her face had a huge scar that was horrible to see, the original owner became depressed and paranoid about it and her father had no choice but to send her to a faraway place to reciprocate.

The original owner felt so useless now that she is hurt and no one was willing to help her. She was all alone and only a few maids come to clean and cook for her from time to time.

She couldn't accept what happened to her she drank the poison.

Lu Xie sighed, feeling a little pity for the original owner but soon calm down.

"Ali is there anything that can help remove my scar and fix my vision"

[Yes host but it will cost you a lot]

"Just how many are my points, it's been a while since I purchased anything"

[Ding! The host has 299,888 points on your balance]

Lu Xie widen her eyes in shocked "Wah, this is a lot" she exclaimed happily

"Ali, get me the potion," Lu Xie said excitedly

[Ding! Purchase successful]

A small bottle of potion, that has a slightly yellowish and purplish color appeared in her hand, she opened the small lid and then drank it all.

Slowly the potion started to work, her face and eyes started to heat up and hurt.


Lu Xie groaned pain, but didn't dare to touch her face fpr fear that it will be infected. Her teeth clenched together the pain in her face and eyes were severe, blood flowed out her eyes.

Her hands gripped the edge of the bed, still not touching it.

"Aarggg damn it...Ill make him pay! F*ck it hurts!" Lu Xie cursed

Both her face and eyes were stinging so much.

After a few more seconds the pain cease up, Lu Xie laid on the bed panting hard. The scar on her face was healed as if it was never there.

Her skin turned paler and smooth like a baby skin, but her eyes were grey and lifeless. After Lu Xie catch her breath she get out of the bed and walk toward the bathroom.

She look at herself throigh the mirror and she must say the original owner is quiet a beauty. She had dark blue hair that almost reach her waist, delicate nose, thin rosy lips and her eyes.

Grey eyes suit her very much, Lu Xie smiled at her reflection she was satisfied.

"Ali is there anything that can be made to cover my eyes, a cloth perhaps. But not to thick or thin a mgic cloth to see through the cloth"

[Yes there is host, do want me to purchase it]


[Ding! Purchase successful]

A meter long white cloth appeared on her hand, it was soft and not thick. She then put it on her eyes and tied it from behind, she opened her eyes through the cloth.

"This is so cool, I can see perfectly"

"By the way, what's my objectives?"



1. Revenge

2. Became the 1st commander ]

"Hmm, quiet simple"

"For now, I need to prepare to go back" Lu Xie smirked and went to the small training ground of the house.