Chapter 79: Orc Lord and the General (R-18)

(A/N: HELLO EVERYONR I WISH YOU ALL A HAPPY NEW YEAR. I hope you all enjoy your holidays with your friends and family.... 🥳)

After Lu Xie got her father's permission, she started to spar with soldiers in the mansion and most of them got beaten pretty badly.

Because in just a few days the commander promotion is going to take place in the city center. Where nobles and the royal family will attend.

For days of none stop training and beating up the soldiers in her father's mansion, she grew stronger each day and her punches and sword skills were both ruthless and sharp.

"Axie, you have been training for so long how about you rest for now," Lu Huan said softly as he was worried she just got healed and she was pushing herself

"Haa...haa...okay father" Lu Xie nodded then put back the wooden sword and sat on the bench

Lu Huan sat beside his daughter and reach out a towel to her.

"Thank you father," Lu Xie said gratefully

"Axie, the competition will start in a few days so you need to rest" Lu Huan persuaded her

Lu Xie knew that she had put too much pressure on her body and also felt tired so she nodded.

Seeing that she agree, Lu Huan was happy and patted her head gently.

"I'm going to the border tomorrow father to relax so you can stop worrying" Lu Xie chuckled

"Good," Lu Huan nodded simply

The beaten-up soldiers all looked at this scene pouting and warm in their hearts. The young miss had grown stronger than before and is now very ruthless. Woo woo, it hurts so much they all thought.

The very next day,

Lu Huan sent her daughter to the border so she can relax, when she arrived at the border she then went to the forest near the border.

When the original owner was young, she and her mother would often come here to hang out or have a mother-and-daughter bonding.

She chooses a nice spot to sit on and took out a flute.

Not far away from where she is sitting, a figure was running through the forest at a fast speed with an axe on her shoulder.

As the figure runs through the forest, her sensitive ears heard the sound of an instrument being played but she didn't recognize what kind of instrument. She felt subconsciously ran toward the sound.

Lu Xie was sitting on one of the stones she was nearby a small lake in the forest while blowing on the flute not noticing a figure was watching her from afar.

The figure stopped by in a most hidden spot, then peak she saw a woman sitting on the stone near the lake while holding a small like tube and blowing it.

The figure looked at the woman and clenched the axe its eyes turned cold and indifferent, as the figure was about to approach it saw the woman crying with...blood?

The figure was stunned and stayed put in its position.

Lu Xie was playing the flute when all of a sudden her eyes started to hurt and once again blood was flowing out of her eyes.

'What the heck is happening Ali' Lu Xie asked in her thought

[Host, the potion is still working inside you and it's pushing out all the harmful chemicals that entered your body. Don't worry host this will be the last time that this will happen] Ali assured

'Damn it, that hurt a lot ' Lu Xie groaned

"Aaahhhh" Lu Xie covered her eyes

Her eyes felt hot and they sting like being pierced by a thousand needles.

The figure hiding watches this and stayed put, it didn't know if it was going to approach then kill or wait for it to calm down to reduce her pain. The figure felt baffled by it, then frowned it didn't hesitate before so why now.

As the pain subsides, Lu Xie slowly relaxes and then took out a handkerchief from her pocket and slowly moved toward the lake then dip the cloth lightly.

Then turned around, wiped the blood on her cheeks and removed the cloth covering her eyes then wiped her face clean, and put on a new cloth on her eyes.

The figure did not see what she did when she turned around, as she was about to attack. The woman suddenly stared in her direction, and the figure gritted its teeth.

"Can you stop hiding, I don't like playing hide and seek" The woman said lightly

The figure was stunned and show itself from the dark holding a large axe.

Lu Xie looked turned around to see the figure standing on the other side of the lake staring at her. She was stunned, I thought orcs are tall and ugly but seeing one now and a woman of all.

She's so ... Beautiful.

She was a bit tall maybe around 170, her skin was green, she had long ears like elves, she had a small tooth horn in her mouth facing upwards, a delicate nose and damn those clothes.

She was only wearing not so many clothes, there seems to be animal skin covering her breast and her part down there. Her fingernails are long and she was barefooted, she had black wavy hair, beautiful sapphire eyes, and cute small lips.

'Wow, she's quite a catch' Lu Xie thought

[...] Ali looked at her host not knowing that the orc is an important character a very important character.

The female orc frowned when she saw the woman just standing there looking at her.

"What is it the first time you saw a female orc" the orc sneered

"No, but it's the first time I saw a beautiful female orc" Lu Xie smiled sincerely

The female orc was dumbfounded, no one has ever said that she was beautiful all they said was that she was strong, and they praised her for her achievements. Looking at the sincere smile of the woman she frowned.

"Flattering won't get you anywhere," she said coldly

Lu Xie giggled "I'm not flattering you, what I said came from the heart" she smirked inwardly while maintaining a sincere smile outside

Before the female orc was about to speak.

Lu Xie sat down on the stone she was sitting on earlier, then took out her flute. As she blew on the flute a very calming and soothing melody came out.

The female orc felt calmer and subconsciously sat down on the ground with her axe just beside her and listened to the melody while looking at the woman on the other side.

Lu Xie played it beautifully and elegantly, as the wind blew softly past her hair flattered with the wind. The melody softly ended in a few seconds then stopped completely.

"*sigh* If only it was as peaceful as it is now" the woman whispered in the air her sensitive ears heard it

She also wished for the war to stop, she had seen many of her comrades and kind get killed again and again on the battlefield.

But she knew that would take a long time to achieve or even it won't happen until each race got wiped out.

She also sighed inwardly, looking at the woman on the other side she was looking at the lake, not sure if she really is since her eyes are covered.

"What happened to your eyes?" the female orc decided to ask

Lu Xie smiled coldly "Well, you can say that humans also got greedy and worship power the most," she said indifferently

The female orc tilt her head to the side she didn't know what she is talking about. Seeing that she didn't get it Lu Xie explained shortly.

"One of the commanders in the army was jealous since I have the potential to overthrow him in his position so~ he ruined my face and made my eyes blind" Lu Xie looked at the lake with a glint in her eyes that revealed coldness and indifferentness

The female orc listened and was not surprised she also fought all the way to get to her position but it was fair and square. But to the woman on the other side was a bit pitiful.

"So you're a soldier," the female orc said lightly

"I was the 2nd in command in the army before this happened," Lu Xie said carelessly

The female orc was stunned, and she reach out for her axe.

"I can't wait to beat that man up," the woman sneered

The orc couldn't stand still, she rushed up to her and swing her axe downward to hit her.

Lu Xie was always prepared and blocked the axe.


The female orc was dumbfounded, her axe got blocked by a stick.

She jumped back in a flip to the other side to take distance.

"I came here to relax not fight so take back your axe or I'll kidnap you" The woman threatened

The female orc gritted her teeth of course she won't back down, then again attacked her.

They both exchanged hit after hit, the female orc's attack kept getting blocked by a stick. The woman won't attack back, so she ruthlessly showed her techniques and fighting style.

Lu Xie was getting a little hot, the way the orc moved was seductive, and her exposed body made her want to eat her.

'Can I rape her' she thought

[Yah host calm down, this is not the time to think something like this] Ali shouted in her mind

'Come on, I'll take responsibility and besides, she looks so hot'

[Oh, dear sweet heaven please forgive my host for her dirty mind] Ali prayed

'hehe I'm taking her, forgive me but she's beautiful'


When their weapons clashed together, Lu Xie immediately hooked her arms around the orc's waist then pulled her and captured her lips.

The female orc was stunned and tried to push the woman away but her strength suddenly reduced so that she couldn't fight back.

Her body slowly went soft and hot, her mouth suddenly got invaded by the woman's tongue. She never felt like this before and was stunned.


The female orc moaned as she tried to get away from her kiss but to no avail her body was slowly feeling good by the kiss, then after a few minutes, they pulled the kiss. She breathe heavily she looked at the woman with a smirk on her face.

She snapped to her senses and immediately tried to push her away from her. Why the hell did you do that and even...enjoy it. She thought

Lu Xie didn't let her go and hold her tight around her arms then went to her ears as she whispered, "It's the first time I was able to kiss a woman as beautiful as you" then licked her ears sensually.

The female orc shuddered, the way she whispered and the way she licked her ears made her legs go limp. What's happening to me? She thought loudly as her breathing became rapid

Lu Xie then kisses her neck like the peek of a butterfly, light and sincere.

The female orc was fighting in her mind, she couldn't resist the feeling she was giving her it was warm and light not rough or rude. But more like a husband and wife thing.

She noticed the way she was thinking and blushed heavily, as she tried to speak when her mouth got sealed again. Her mouth went numb from being attacked and just openly accept.

Lu Xie smirked as she noticed that the person in her arms relaxed, she waved her hand a bed appeared out of nowhere then put an illusion around them.

She placed the female orc on the bed while kissing her.