Chapter 82: Orc Lord and the General

Lu Xie and Hillian were in the lake soaking their feet and laughing when suddenly someone called her name. So immediately turned her head in the direction of the voice and was stunned.

"F...father" She stuttered

She stood up from the lake with Hillian behind her and looked at her father walking out of the forest. She saw the look in his eyes there was no malicious intent but sadness was seen in his eyebrows.

"Axie let's talk now," Lu Huan said softly

Lu Xie nodded, Hillian grabbed her forearm and shook her head she was scared what if she got taken away by her father? What will happen to their unborn child? She had so many thoughts running through her mind

"Dear it's okay I know my father" Lu Xie kissed her cheek and intertwined their fingers

"No matter, what he does I won't leave you," Lu Xie said seriously,

Hillian felt a little relief and tighten her grip on her hand.

Lu Huan then walked to a very special place in the forest, a hidden flower meadow. Then he sat down on a stone, and Lu Xie and Hillian also sat down opposite him.

No one spoke, for a few minutes. Hillian was panicking inside, her heart was beating fast, and was very nervous about what was going to happen.

"Father" Lu Xie called

"*sigh* I'm not mad Axie it's just *sigh*" Lu Huan looked at his daughter waiting for him to finish speaking

"Your just like me" Lu Huan continue

Lu Xie and Hillian were confused and then look at each other "What do mean father?" Lu Xie asked

Lu Huan run his fingers through his hair "Do you still remember your mother?" he asked instead

Lu Xie shook her head the memories of the original owner's mother were blurry.

"What does it have to do with mother?" Lu Xie asked again

"You are the very first baby that was born between an orc and a human" Lu Huan answered

Lu Xie widens her eyes "What!? My mother is an orc too" she said both confused and happy

"Yes, and it's actually a coincidence that you both also meet in this place" Lu Huan smiled warily

"Then, where is mom?" Lu Xie asked

Lu Huan looked at her sadly "*sigh* when your mother gave birth to you you took after my side but you inherit her strength in fighting and survival. After giving birth to you, she returned to their world and the elder forced her to marry an orc and give birth to a strong generation. Your mother did not want it and tried to come back to us but she was caught and decided to take...her life. She did not like what they want so she took her life. You were only a few days old at that time since baby orcs are relatively born faster than human babies so you had a small space for your memories together" he said with great sadness and his eyes were red

[Ding! Congratulations to the jost for opening the hidden plot 'My orc mother' of the original owner]

Lu Xie ignored it for now and hold her father's hand, Lu Huan shook his head and patted her head.

"You really took after me, aha like father like daughter" Lu Huan laughed

"Now then since you both are together I assume, when will I have my children," Lu Huan asked seriously

Lu Xie laughed and Hillian felt embarrassed.

"We speed up the pregnancy father and now she's due tonight, so it won't be long before you see your children" Lu Xie smiled widely

"That's my girl" Lu Huan high five with her daughter

"Then since we're going to be a family what's your name young lady?" Lu Huan looked at the orc beside her daughter

"My name is Hillian sir" Hillian answered politely since this person is her lover's father

"Just call me father, your a family now" Lu Huan also patted her head

Hillian felt embarrassed and nodded shyly.

Lu Huan watched the two lovers and also thought about how he met her daughter's mom.

"How about you two go have fun, I'll see both tonight after my grandchildren are born" Lu Huan turned around and walk away

Hillian looked at Lu Xie smiling widely "Is it really fine, Axie" she asked uneasily

"It's fine dear, don't worry I won't let anyone hurt you and the baby" Lu Xie caress her tummy and kiss her lips

Hillian smiled when she got a kiss, only when she says it she'll feel rest assured.

That night,

"" Hillian shouted

Lu Xie who was in the kitchen heard it and rushed out to the living room she saw her lover clutching her stomach in pain.

She immediately scoop her into a princess carry then rushed to the bedroom, where she helped her ease the pain using magic and also be the midwife.

Hillian was sweating heavily, as she pushed the baby out of her stomach, her hands gripped the bedsheets and her mouth was covered with a cloth.



Lu Xie immediately scoop her child, it was a girl she then wrapped her with a clean cloth and wiped the blood on her. Hillian was still catching her breath, as her body slowly heal.

Lu Xie wiped both her lover and child with warm water till their both clean, Hillian fully healed and reached out to hold her child.

"Good job dear, it's a beautiful girl" Lu Xie handed the child in her hand

Hillian smiled and looked at their child, she had long ears like her but her skin was not green but pale white like Lu Xie and her hair was also black but had blue colors when it was nighttime.

"She looks like you Axie" Hillian pouted

"Hahaha, true but I think she looks like us" Lu Xie kissed her pouting lips

"Ague~" they heard a small giggle

They look at the child and then saw her open her eyes, her eyes were heterochromia her left eye was sapphire while the other eye was pale green.

It was the original owner's eye color.

"So cute~" Lu Xie kissed her daughter's cheeks lovingly

"Gou~" the baby giggled

"Aahhh~" Lu Xie kept poking her cheeks

Hillian pouted at their interaction "Axie, attention" she said with jealousy in her voice

Lu Xie chuckled at her and kissed her lips deeply, then pull out after a minute.

"Don't be jealous dear, she just looks so cute" Lu Xie kissed her cheeks

Hillian smiled, yes she was jealous of her daughter but she was still happy she got her lover's attention

"Axie, I love you," She said softly

Lu Xie smiled "I love you too," she said softly then kissed her again



"Axie, how are you both in there is my grandchild alright?" Lu Huan asked outside the door

Lu Xie pull out the kiss and then went to open the door for her father, Lu Huan walked inside and saw a beautiful bunch of joy looking at him.

"Waah, so cute~" Lu Huan took the baby in his arms gently and then kissed her cheeks

"She looks like you when you were born, so small and full of love" Lu Huan can't help but cry

"Geez, father you're already old, and you crying as a baby" Lu Xie giggled

"Shush, that doesn't concern you anymore" Lu Huan ignored her and rack the baby in his arms gently

Lu Xie and Hillian look at each other and then laughed.

After a tiring night, they all went to sleep. They named the baby Ellie just like Lu Xie wanted.