Chapter 101: NPC

Lu Xie fast-traveled around the game's world and collected treasures but she also change some treasures only slightly different from the original loot

"Heheheh with this we can go sell into the auction" Lu Xie smiled

[Right, but host aren't we an NPC we can't get out the real world]

"Hmm, yeah it's a little sad"

[Dont worry host I'm sure there will be time] Ali comforted

"Hmm it's fine but for now let's go to Velos and scam some players ehehehe" Lu Xie laughed wickedly

[Let's go!!] Ali was also pumped up


Jin Yuyan arrived at Velos and met with her sister who met her at the entrance of the gate.

"Nee-chan here" Yuyu waved her hand

Jin Yuyan approached her and hugged her "You little rascal how could you leave me so suddenly in the beginner village" she patted her a little hard

"Hehehe well I already created a character, I and my friends started playing since 3 weeks ago" Yuyu admitted

"Why you!" Jin Yuyan sighed

"Heheheh sorry nee-chan" Yuyu made a peace sign

"Come on nee-chan I'll introduce you to my teammates" Yuyu pulled her sister inside the city and went to the guild

Yuyu pushed open the door and excitedly pulled her sister toward a table.

"Oh there she is," an elf boy said looking in their direction

"Nee-chan these are my friends from school. This elf boy is our nerd friend Fred" Yuyu pointed at the boy

"Hey, don't expose me" Fred whined his username was a handsome elf

"This beast man is our muscle head in our group Ben" Yuyu pointed at the muscular beast man beside Fred

"Hello" he greeted

"And this is our mage Zena merfolk like a mermaid with legs" Yuyu pointed at the girl that had the scales of a mermaid behind her ear

"Hello sister," Zena said softly

"Hello, everyone nice to meet you all" Jin Yuyan greeted them

"So sister what's your job and race," Yuyu asked excitedly and they both sat down on the two empty chair

"Well my first job was a mage and my second job is a martial arts" Jin Yuyan answered

"Oh that's cool but nee-chan are you sure about your choice?" Yuyu asked a little uncertain

Jin Yuyan heard the uncertainty in her tone "Why?" she asked

"Well, you see if both jobs are not related to each other they won't be able to cooperate well when on a quest, and the exp you gain will be half" Fred explained

"Oh then is it still okay to change?" Jin Yuyan asked a little disappointed

"No, if you want you to have to delete your character again and create a new one but your progress now would be a waste" Ben answered

"I see, is there no other way to change it?" Jin Yuyan asked

"Well there is a potion that can change class but that potion can only be obtained from the mysterious NPC" Yuyu sighed

"Mysterious NPC?" Jin Yuyan was confused she was not into games but when she started to play this game she had an interest in it.

"Yes, it's a character where you can meet the NPC in events or even when you're on a quest if you got lucky. If you complete the NPCs request it will reward you with rare or legendary items" Yuyu said while her eyes were sparkling

"Do you know any information about this mysterious NPC?" Jin Yuyan got curious

Zena shook her head "So far, no one ever knows what any information but there is a clue the game developers gave, the NPC is a woman and said to appear anytime she wants" she said

"Hmm, it's hard there are a lot of NPC and some of them are also unknown unless you unlock some events to know them" Ben sighed

"Well it's fine nee-chan we can just wait for the first-ever upcoming event of the game for all new players," Yuyu said as comfort

"What kind of event?" Jin Yuyan raised her eyebrow

"Well, since the day of the hearts is just around the corner the developers created an event where you will be partnered randomly. Then find your partner through a maze, the faster you find your partner you will get first place," Fred said with excitement

"I see, since we're all here how about let's go and take a quest before we log out" Jin Yuyan suggested softly

"Okay, I'm in" Yuyu immediately agreed

"Me too"

"Count me in"

They all went to the quest board and look for a simple quest to end the day.

"Oh how about this one," Fred took a paper

They all looked at it, it was a quest to subdue 30 goblins in the mesa forest.

"Hmm, you guys okay with this?" Yuyu asked

"Yep" they all agree so they went to the receptionist and updated their badge

Then off they went to the Mesa forest.


"Hahahahhahhaa" Lu Xie laughed out loud while sitting on a tree

[Oh my hahahaha that's so funny ahahaha] Ali even laughed

Earlier when they were about to arrive at Velos she noticed a group of bandits near the forest so they decided to have fun.

The muscular man was sitting on a throne of bones and animal skin, while his minions are sitting on the ground polishing their weapons and some are sleeping.

Lu Xie hid from the trees blending with her cloak, then saw a muscular man brushing his hair so gently as if like a baby.

"Pfft" She immediately covered her mouth not to laugh

[What the heck hahahaha how can you call that hair ahahahah] Ali laughed

The muscular man's hair has only 5 strands of hair. And the way he took care of it is so funny he is treating it like a baby.

"Hey Ali, how about let's have fun with them" Lu Xie smirked

[I like your idea host] Ali also smirked

"Hehehe say goodbye to your baby hair" Lu Xie grinned

[Pftt hahahaha]

Lu Xie snapped her fingers a small fire appeared behind the chair of the muscular man, she only noticed his name was above his head.

He is called the Vicious Bandit King.

As the fire slowly burned the dried animal skin, the bandit king smelled something burning he immediately stood up but it was too late his only 5 strands of hair were burnt silently without him noticing.


He kicked the throne angrily to see anyone hiding but saw no one, who could be responsible for the fire.

"Rrgggggg," he gritted his teeth angrily

He looked around the place to notice anything that was out of place, but there was nothing. He took his sword and swing it to the trees that got cut in half.

"Find who is responsible for this and take it to me" he ordered angrily

"Yes boss" the minions all responded then run in every direction

The bandit king looked coldly at the surroundings and then touch his head, he felt something odd on his head he immediately look into the bowl of water near him.

What he saw made him furious.

"AAHHHHRRGGGGGGGGGGG" he shouted echoing throughout the whole forest


Lu Xie and Ali were laughing still hiding in the tree.

[Host, haha ahem let's finish him or he'll bring disaster to others] Ali said trying not to laugh anymore

"Ahem, okay ppft. Ahem" Lu Xie nodded then snapped her fingers

The bandit king noticed something a miss, he looked around but there was nothing though he is feeling something wrong.

Then suddenly, he felt a sting on the side of his neck. His hand subconsciously slapped it and before he knew it he lost consciousness.

[Ding! The Vicious Bandit King had been killed by the Mysterious NPC] the system announced

"Eehhh, so it will get announced" Lu Xie frowned

[Yep, maybe because his a king maybe he had a large sum on top of his head]


The players were all got shocked by the announcement.

"Oh my goodness, can an NPC kill another NPC?"

"This is epic, the Vicious Bandit King is around level 70"

"Damn, Is there any video of the fight?"

"Waahhhh, the mysterious NPC appeared"

"Hurry! Locate where the Vicious Bandit King is located maybe we can get a quest from the mysterious NPC and get OP items!!!"


"Holy sh*t!!!"

"It's in the Havan Forest!?"

"Sh*t that place is being roamed by level 50 beasts and other high-ranking beasts"

"Damn it, No luck again this time"