Chapter 109: NPC (R-18)

Ben walks up to him "Give us the reward it was ours you just butt in" he said seriously

Xu Syun looked at the reward he got and didn't want to give it, his reward had what he wanted.

"I'll give you the rewards but I only want one thing. Is that okay" Xu Syun said as a condition

Ben was losing patience, "Just get it and give me the box," he said irritated

Xu Syun took that reward and gave him all the remaining ones though it's really good loot.

"But what is my reward?" Jin Yuyan said as she raised her hand

Lu Xie smiled and approach her as she hooked her hips toward her "Well you can have me" she teased

But loud enough to be heard by all of them.

"Damn!!!" Yuyu and her friends all reacted

Xu Syun's face was like as if he saw a horror movie he didn't expect. It was a funny horror face

Ali recorded the whole thing and was cracking up all over.

Jin Yuyan giggled "That's fine for me" she replied softly

"DAMN!!!!" Yuyu and her friends react again

Xu Syun snapped out his senses and approached them "Excuse me, why are you an NPC tried to hit on someone's girl" he said tough

Lu Xie looked at him as if she was seeing a worm "Are you sure she's your woman?" she asked

Xu Syun said proudly "Of course she is"

"Well for your information my sister didn't have a boyfriend like you" Yuyu slapped him in the face with her words

"I see, lying" Lu Xie's face turned colder and a snapped her fingers.

[Ding! You have been cursed by the Mysterious NPC for lying]

[All Stats are stuck and all exp you received will be half] the system notified him

Xu Syun got nervous and panicked.

"This is the consequence of lying into my face," Lu Xie said as she waved her hand and she disappeared into her spot with Yuyan

"DAMN!!!" Yuyu and her friends were all got stunned that Yuyan went with him

"Wow, now that's a master of picking girls" Fred praised


"No, you idiot," Ben said when he hit his head

"She's her reward, it's the other way around" Ben corrected

"Oohhh, Really!!??" Fred said confused

Ben just sighed "Well it's been a great day, I'll see you guys later," he said then log out

"Yeah, me too bye bye" Zena also log out

Until Xu Syun was left hanging alone in the open distance with no soul.


Lu Xie and Jin Yuyan appeared in her place.

Jin Yuyan hooked her lover's neck and kissed her deeply. Lu Xie held her waist and softly groped her butt, she moaned.

Lu Xie pulled the kiss and looked at her with a layer of lust in her eyes, pinching her chin she captured her lips again. Her hands didn't go ideal and pinched her side waist softly.

Jin Yuyan moaned inside her mouth and jumped on her lover as her legs wrapped legs around her waist.

Lu Xie walked into the room and placed her gently on the bed, as her hands removed the armor slowly piece by piece.

Jin Yuyan pulled the kiss and looked at the person on top of her breathlessly, seeing her armor got removed her hands also removed her clothes.

"You look so handsome earlier," She said smirking

Lu Xie eyed her and groped her cloth breasts.


Jin Yuyan moaned, her body twitched but her hands didn't stop removing the clothes of the person on top of her. Until she saw her abs she seductively trace her fingers against her flesh and couldn't help feeling hot.

Lu Xie was amused by her and ripped her clothes softly as she was busy tracing her fingers against her abs. Her head approached her neck and smelled before licking and sucking her neck hard.


Jin Yuyan rubbed her legs together, as she smelt roses all over her lover making her addicted to her smell. Her breathing got heavy and she subconsciously rubbed her body against her.

Lu Xie smirked and made her way to her breast as she slowly licked and suck it like candy, slow but pleasurable. But it making the person below her anxious.


"Haa...haa...Axie...p...please" Yuyan begged

Lu Xie sucked hard on her nipples and pinched the other nipple that was rock hard.

Yuyan arched her back her fingers scratching her lover's back.

Lu Xie parted her legs and placed her knee against her cloth cunt, then rubbed it slowly. Yuyan moaned her hips moved on grinding against her knee.

Lu Xie smirked and continue to tease her breasts not minding her cunt against her knee which was wet. She can feel the wetness against her knee.

Yuyan felt anxious and held both her lover's cheek and made her look at her, her face was blushing, and said with a low tone.


Lu Xie smirked and pretended not to hear "What? Honey, I can't hear you."

Yuyan looked at her aggrieved she look so cute "Baby please pay attention down there too please" she begged

Lu Xie smirked and left her breast as she ripped her last defense of clothing. Her cunt was sopping wet with her love juices, she licked her lips and eyed her lover.

Yuyan felt embarrassed by her stare but push her head to her cunt, she was losing her mind.

Lu Xie held her hips so she won't be able to get away, her head approached the cunt and released a sweet scent. She licked her cunt earning her a loud moan and her head got pushed closer to the cunt.

She smirked and used her right finger to pinch her clitoris and her tongue invaded inside her cunt.

Yuyan widens her eyes and arches her back, her body twitching and her nerves becoming sensitive. Her hands were trembling as she wants to push her head but instead, she pulled more closer.

Her hips grind against her tongue it was not enough, Lu Xie felt her grinding her cunt against her tongue as if it was not enough.

She pinched her clitoris hard and her left hand pinched her rock-hard nipples while twisting them slightly.

Yuyan convulsed and spasmed, her mouth was wide open, and a trickle of drool slid on the side of her mouth.



Yuyan cummed hard from being foreplayed, her body was twitching and her pleasure nerves were soaring high.

Lu Xie lick her as she cummed and also felt so horny, she removed her last pieces of clothing and as she kneel on the bed.