Chapter 128: My Mutant Queen (R-18)

[Host, your body is now fully healed]

Lu Xie stretch her arms and smiled "Finally, let's go back" she said

Ali nodded and then woke her host on her body before disappearing.

Lu Xie groaned lightly as she felt someone sitting on top of her, she tried to move but felt restrained. Slowly she opened her eyes she saw a blurred figure sitting on top of her.

She blinks her eyes repeatedly until a hand covered her eyes.

"You finally woke up Axie," the voice said softly

Lu Xie knew whose voice was this as she was about to speak her lips got sealed and water came in. She drank the water obediently

Lilith pulled the kiss and smirked still covering her eyes.

"Lilith, remove your hand off my eyes," Lu Xie said a little hoarse and waxy

Lilith smiled then removed her hand covering her eyes.

Lu Xie blinked her eyes to erase her sleepiness, after a few tries she can finally see the person sitting on top of her.

"It's really is you, Lilith," she said softly

Lilith smiled "Are you not shocked to see me like this?" she asked

Lu Xie shook her head "Before I lost consciousness I saw you transform" she replied gently

Lilith hugged her and buried her head in her neck and inhaled deeply. Inhaling the intoxicating scent from her she became addicted to her scent ever since they meet.

Lu Xie hugged her waist and whispered softly "You look so beautiful, Lilith"

Lilith felt her ears burning when her breath hit her earlobes.

Lu Xie was amused by her reaction and decided to tease her, she licked her earlobe sensually.

"EEEEPPP" Lilith got startled as her body tremble

Lu Xie kissed her earlobe before slowly tracing a kiss down to her neck and gently sucking where her collarbone was.

Lilith moaned softly and gasped at her actions, her body felt soft and she lay on top of her gasping at her actions.

Lu Xie smirked and trace her finger on her back slowly building up lust. She felt her flinch and tremble at her actions then stop.

"Your human body got very sensitive Lilith" she laughed softly

Lilith felt her stop and felt a little dissatisfied until she heard her words. She bit her lower lip, her body was burning in heat she knew that she is going to be like that again.

"A... Axie please help me" she said softly before sitting on her an removing her upper clothes

Lu Xie widen her eyes "Wha...what are you doing Lilith?" she hurriedly tried to cover her up

But Lilith suddenly grab both her hand and pinned them above her head before it got lock with a handcuff on the head board.

"Lilith?" she called

Lilith put her finger on her lip and smiled "Axie I'm in heat" she said while licking her lips like a hungry beast

"H..huh??" Lu Xie was confused "Wha..." her lips got kiss before she could speak

Lilith gently kissed her at first then slowly she used her tongue and prey open her mouth, she tasted something sweet and addicting.

She tasted every crook and cranny on her mouth before pulling the kiss breathlesslly.




Lilith put her hands on her Axie's shirt then ripped it apart with her strength it easily got torn. She saw her skin as white as snow and she has a gorgeous curves.

She licked her lips in anticipation, she bend down to her neck inhale her scent then suck like how she did to her earlier and also bit it gently.

Leaving small bite marks on her neck.

Lu Xie closed her eyes and was breathing heavily, she looked at Lilith looking at her with lust and her eyes were obsess.

"Axie I love you" Lilith said lovingly before kissing her lips and groped her breast

Lu Xie moaned softly in her mouth, she kissed back in dominance to teach her a lesson.

Lilith smiled at her respond and pulled as she catch her breath.

Lu Xie then attack her neck she gently lick then suck hard like a baby leaving dark purple marks. But she's not done yet she bit her bra and pull it.

Her bountiful breasts was freed from her bra, Lu Xie buried her head on her chest before making her way to her nipple then sucked it.


Lilith moaned her body flinched from her actions and hugged her head as she moaned loudly

Lu Xie licked her nipples then went to the other breast which she did the same she lick then suck on it. She can felt Lilith squirming and trembling on top of her.

After sucking her nipple to her fill she let it go, Lilith was catching her breath heavily and look at Lu Xie smiling.

"Lilith can you remove this handcuff" she said softly

Lilith immediately shook her head "No" she refused instantly

"Why?" Lu Xie asked

But Lilith only smiled then went back on sitting on her, that's when she felt something bulging and pressing against her cunt.

She got curious then got up put her butt to Lu Xie's face then look at the bulging part she felt. She saw a bulge in between her Axie's thighs so she removed her pants.

"Wha...lilith wait" Lu Xie said trying to stop her

Lilith obviously didn't listen and she successfully removed her pants then ripped her panties, a huge rod sprang out and stood proudly.

Lu Xie felt emberassed and to teach her a lesson to listen she looked at her lower part and saw her panties were wet. She smirked and raised her head slightly then press her tongue on her cloth cunt.

Lilith was stunned when the rod appeared it was huge, she was mesmerized until she felt a tongue on her cunt.


She moaned a little louder.

Lu Xie bit her panties and ripped it apart, she saw her glistening cunt wet with her love juice.

"Lilith lower your hips more" she ordered

Lilith gulped and obediently lowered her hips "Eaaahhhhhhh" she moaned loudly

Lu Xie licked her pussy lips while also teasing her clitoris with her tongue, then slowly push her tongue inside her cunt.

Lilith rolled her eyes back and grind her hips against her mouth, then she also held the rod with her hand. She heard her groan below her.

She smiled then press her lips on the tip of the rod, kissing it then licking it. She wanted to make her feel good too.

Then slowly moved her hand up and down before she tried to take her rod in her mouth.

Lu Xie groaned and made her tongue go deeper inaide her cunt, which earned her a loudly muffle moan.

Lilith trembled as she squeeze the tongue inside her, then also the rod inside her mouth then moved up and down with her hand holding the remaining length of the rod.

They both pleasured each other.