The swordmaster hideout

As soon as the grey world gathering came to an end after 2 hours, on returning to the real world, Legolas called the 3 players together and laid his plan out before them.

"Ok, here's the plan".

Legolas sat beside his 3 player helpers as he laid the plan out for them. "The first part of our plan is finding out the base that the prince was taken to".

"After finding out the enemy base that he was taken to, we'll make up an infiltration plan on the spot to rescue the prince".

"Got it?"

"Yes, faction leader!" All 3 players replied loudly.

Even though they did not understand half of what he just said, just to fulfill all righteousness, they still replied loudly with zeal and conviction.

With that, Legolas finally stood up and led them out of the inn.

Though he spoke to them about the plan, he also did it just to go with the flow, he really didn't need their help to find out where Prince Christensen was taken to. Once they were ready, he called his beasts.
