Legolas's power show

On top Predator, Legolas led the charge towards the Titans.


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The Saber Twins, Max and Maggie were 2 of the most notorious of the Red Masters of the Clown Society that he remembered from his previous life.

As soon as he saw them, he knew that his time was now.

In his previous life, the whole Hero tribe was annihilated, leaving only Blade alive whom they recognized his talent. The Clown Society took him back in a bid to turn him into one of theirs which became their worst decision ever.

In this world now, due to his interruption, history already changed. Blade's father was still alive, including some fiveish warriors that fought alongside them.

Originally, the history was after the psychopaths finished the village, they went after the evacuating civilians and slaughtered them all but with Legolas now, he already changed the fate of these people from death to life.