Sand Worm Competition

After bestowing them with the Honorary Title, time finally came to the last phase of this celebration that Tribe Chief Kohama hosted for the heroes.

Legolas turned to look at Captain Aegon. "A Sand Worm competition?"

"Yes". This Captain smiled as a hyped look dominated his face.

"What is that?"

Even as Legolas asked, Tribe Chief Kohama was already leading the crowd to the great coliseum of the Kong Tribe that was built since the tribe's inception.

Captain Aegon explained as they left. "As you already well know, Sand Worms are the Apex Predators of the Great Desert".

"Ranks between warriors of the tribes are determined by how many Sand Worms we have killed, I have killed 28 Sand Worms since becoming a warrior".

"We didn't meet them on our way to fulfill the mission of the Vanguard Squad because over the years, we already mastered ways to evade them".

"They no longer hunt us, when we meet them, it's us hunting them".