A fierce battle royale; arrival of a Boss-level Character

"Let the battle begin".

Legolas's words seemed like a decree from a god in heaven as the atmosphere instantly turned tenser and stiffer.


You have activated active ability: Scale Defense


While also preparing himself, Legolas warned his allies.

"No warrior should stay alone".

"Christensen, team up with Blade and move as a team".

"Captain Stokes, team up with Captain Cinnabar since he is the only 2nd Grade D hunter here, everyone below our grade is not qualified for this battle".

"Every Grade E and below hunter should give our battlefield a distance".

Legolas gave orders at the speed of a machine gun as he attentively looked at the movements of his opponents even as Predator circled them.

Lucky and the other Foxes also circled them, it was as if they were waiting for an unknown catalyst that would spur them on to start the battle.

Legolas took complete advantage of the current inactivity.

"Beware of Raging Tempest, he is swift and lethal".