Intermediate Summoner Class Knowledge- Naming Authority

After accepting Desert Gust and his teammates into his faction, Legolas led Blade to the collection library of the Hunter Union where they kept their class knowledges and their history books.

Legolas knew that there was a bigger and more secretive library with even more class knowledges, but he didn't pester his allies for it.

General Toothpick escorted him and his student into the library.

After about 2 minutes of walking through the library, they arrived before the shelf where the first basic Summoner knowledge was stored.

>Basic Summoner Knowledge: Organic Connection<

Legolas smiled on seeing this. "I already have this".

General Toothpick smiled. "There's more ahead".

A few minutes later, they arrived before another shelf that housed a basic Pugilist Knowledge. This was a Pugilist knowledge that Blade didn't have yet.

>Basic Pugilist Knowledge: Energy Trainer<