Legolas's beast hierarchy

After naming his 4 beasts, Legolas fulfilled one of his most important roles to his beasts as a Summoner. After this came the beast hierarchy.

Compared to the Naming chances, the hierarchy gave him an even greater headache. Legolas felt like his head was on fire as he looked at all 4 of his beasts that stood before him and looked at him expectantly.

They all looked expectantly at him due to different reasons.

Akela was enthusiastic to see how the changes to his leadership qualities affected his Wolf pack, Lucky and Bran were enthusiastic to test their newly found strength and abilities to determine how strong they became.

As for Predator, only battle and killing filled this Nightmare Beast's head.

Predator could not wait to tear a beast apart with his newly discovered strength and abilities, his blood was already burning impatiently for battle.

Legolas smiled as he gently rubbed Predator's scaly body.

At this moment, he was already in a dilemma.