The beast lost to history

Only King Nagakin and a few other high-ranking military warriors of the Frost Giant race had access to the most important history of their race.

Over a millennium ago, the then reigning King of the Frost Giant race had his first encounter with the world outside Planet Darvis.

The gigantic spaceship wreak was the first thing that descended in Frost Giant territory. In it were the first signs of humans, this was when the truth became known to the Frost Giants that life existed outside their planet.

King Olirium protected the humans and gave them territory to stay and procreate, he wanted to make peace with the aliens and study them.

That was when humans first came to settle in Planet Darvis.

Apart from King Nagakin and the few other high-ranking military warriors of the Frost Giant race, only the surviving Warlord of the Orc race and a few of the strongest humans were the survivors who knew of this important piece of history.