The real Elemental plane

The real Elemental plane was accessible to all Elementalists…

Like Planet Darvis and all the other planets were spherical in shape, so also was the Elemental plane spherical in shape until over a millennium ago.

The Elementalists and Elemental beasts who witnessed the miracle claimed to have seen God himself at work. At the edge of the Earth territory that bordered the Ice territory, they witnessed the hand of God.

Like lightning striking through the air, they witnessed the mighty space knife slice through the Elemental plane like a hot knife through butter.

This space knife divided one of the territories of the Elemental plane from the others. After cutting the Ice territory, amid the incredible convergence of space energy, a blackhole appeared that sucked the territory in.

That was the last time that most Elementalists saw the ice territory.

Some rumors say that ice Elementalists still have access to the ice territory but they were merely rumors.