Lucky's inheritance adventure [1]

To show their goodwill towards their allies, King Nagakin and his army of Frost Giants were allowed to enter the lair of the Clown Society deep in the Hellfire Mountains. This was also a show of force and power.

By letting them all in, they proved that they were not afraid of them.

Though he didn't show it, King Nagakin obviously felt vulnerable. After his traumatizing encounter with the Grade D Summoner, he held humans in much more esteem now and this act intimidated him even more.

Led by Din, he stood before one of the Black Masters of the Clown Society in no time inside the core parts of the secret hideout.

King Nagakin frowned. "Where is Abaddon?"

"My name is Einstein, and I will be speaking with you today". This Black Master smiled. "Clown and Abaddon have more urgent matters to attend to".