Horny Assassin's publicity strategy

Time: 4:59pm

Time: 5:00pm

>Horny Assassin: All Manchester United fans, another brain-licking update for us, please stay tuned<

>Horny Assassin: {Screenshot}- Me and my buddies at war<

>Horny Assassin: {Screenshot}- Blaze the Fury at it again!<

>Horny Assassin: {Screenshot}- Executioner the inevitable!<

>Horny Assassin: {Screenshot}- Ash the sidekick and beast rider!<

>Horny Assassin: Caption- You can't dull my sparkle, forever Blaze the Fury's sidekick {cool face emoji}<

>Horny Assassin: {Video}- Watch how we do it in the Monster Triad unit {power to your elbow emoji}<

Instantly after 5:00pm reached, like usual, Horny Assassin did not disappoint, he kept to time as he uploaded the daily dose of videos which made Dominator so iconic and well-loved worldwide already.

Like usual, as soon as he uploaded them, the player forum was sent into a frenzy. The excited players were hyperactive as they chatted rapidly.

>Multiple players typing…<