The key element; Where?

Legolas screamed so loud and for so long that he lost his voice.

"Inject him with another Adrenaline 0-PG13 shot".


The Adrenaline shot barely got to work on the test subject's body when Clown continued his experiment. This time, he was not focused on augmenting the test subject more but rather on finding the difference.

From the result of his experiments on his other human test subjects, he already came to a definite conclusion that the difference lied in Legolas.

His question was now of a myriad form. 'Why is Legolas different?'

'What is different about him?'

'Is he not a human?'

'How can he be the only one with a low compatibility with Giant Runes?'

His questions were numerous and the only way that he could find an answer to them was dissecting this human again to find that biological difference.

Despite completely ravaging through Legolas's body completely, Clown could not find it, he could not find the tangible difference that changed everything.