Volcanic eruption!

The Volcano seemed to turn into the location of a nuclear disaster.

Magma erupted even as the temperature in the Hellfire Mountains rapidly increased. It was not just a magma eruption, the stimulation by the Uranium became so potent that steam in this volcano was superheated.

Phreatic eruptions took place!

Phreatomagmatic eruptions also took place as the stimulation by the Uranium induced effects like the direct interaction of magma and water.

3 types of Volcanic eruptions took place at the same time!


Hellfire Mountains turned into Hell on Darvis!

It was not just a volcanic eruption; it was a Mountain Burst!

Hellfire Mountains as a whole imploded from within!


The cracking sounds reverberated as cracks spread through the ground like an earthquake was imminent, the core of this Mountain was already affected.

The implosion of the mountain induced a crazy effect on the airspace.
