Norman's death

Norman's life flashed before his eyes.

He stammered. "I-I am about to… die?!"

The process already started and it could not be stopped.

At this moment, the temperature of his body kept on growing even higher. His already ultra-red body kept on becoming hotter, now it was too hot, his gigantic body that he worked on for centuries to make perfect started melting apart.

The pain was unbearable, Norman felt like he was left in a furnace to burn to death, his throat was already parched, groaning in pain was now even a difficulty.

"Argghh…!" He made incoherent sounds as his life faded away slowly.

"…" Everyone was silent as they experienced different emotions.

All the Grade C Superhuman survivors were shocked and ecstatic as they observed Giant Norman who slowly melted away. Apart from their shock at the feat that they just achieved, they also studied the peculiar connection.