Title- High Official of Planet Darvis


John opened his eyes to see himself back in familiar surroundings.

For a few seconds after coming back, this Virtual Mechanic remained standing as he simply took in the fresh breath in the air. The next moment, he raised his hands and carefully observed them.

"It's still me…"

"I'm still alive!" He was ecstatic.

John still felt that everything that happened was a miracle.

He had heard in many operas and stories of miracles happening to save the protagonists from trouble, like them suddenly gaining divine weapons or attracting the attention of a powerful being or even a god.

He never thought he was one of these lucky people but now John could not help but think, his eyes lit up. "Am I a protagonist too?"

"Hell yeah!" He was convinced.

The best thing at this moment was that despite coming back for a few minutes already, there was no Planetary Guard mech coming after him.

"Damn, this thing can fool the satellite to this extent?" He was amazed.